Undergraduate Regulations

Academic Regulations And Implementations

The Undergraduate Study and Examinations Regulations and the KFUPM Rules for Their Implementation issued by the Deanship of Admissions and Registrations, Second Edition 2011/2012, is the basis of Articles (A1) to (A53) and their Implementations, provided herewith.

The Deanship of Admissions and Registrations will provide any further assistance in this matter.


Article One

The Academic Year is:

Two regular semesters and a summer semester, if any.

The Academic Semester is:

A term of no less than (15) weeks of instruction not including the registration and final examination periods.

The Summer Semester is:

A period of instruction not exceeding (8) weeks not including the registration and final examination periods. The weekly duration of each course in the summer semesters is twice its duration during a regular academic semester.

The Academic Level:

Indicates the study level in accordance with the specifications of each approved degree plan.

The Degree Plan is:

A combination of required, technical elective and free-elective courses that constitute the total number of credit hours required for graduation in a major. The student has to successfully pass the specified courses in order to earn the degree in that major.

A Course is:

A subject of study within a certain academic level of the approved degree plan in each major. Each course has a number, code, title and a detailed description of its contents which distinguishes it from the other courses. A special file of each course is kept in the corresponding department for follow-up, evaluation and updating purposes. Some of the courses may have pre-requisite or co-requisite requirement(s).

The Credit Hour is:

Each of the weekly lectures or clinical lessons with a duration not less than 50 minutes or a laboratory session or field study of not less than 100 minutes duration.

Academic Probation is:

A notification given to a student with a cumulative GPA below the minimum acceptable limit as explained in these regulations.

The Class Work Score is:

The score which reflects the student's standing during a semester according to his performance in the examinations, research and other activities related to a particular course.

The Final Examination is:

An examination in the course, given once at the end of every semester.

The Final Examination Score is:

The score attained by the student in each course in the final examination.

The Final Score is:

The total of the class work score plus the final examination score calculated for each course out of a total grade of 100.

The Course Grade is:

A percentage, or alphabetical letter, assigned to a student, indicating the final grade he received in a course.

Incomplete Grade is:

A provisional grade assigned to each course in which a student fails to complete the requirements by the required date. This is indicated in the academic record by the letter grade "IC".

In Progress Grade is:

A provisional grade assigned to each course which requires more than one semester to complete. The letter grade "IP" is assigned in this case.

Semester GPA is:

The total quality points the student has achieved, divided by the credit-hours assigned for all the courses the student has taken in any semester. The quality points are calculated by multiplying the credit-hours by the grade earned in each course (see Appendix B).

Cumulative GPA is:

The total quality points the student has achieved in all courses he has taken since his enrollment at the University, divided by the total number of credit-hours assigned for these courses (see Appendix B).

Graduation Ranking is:

The assessment of the student's scholastic achievement during his study at the University.

Course Load is

The total number of credit hours a student is allowed to register in a semester. The upper and lower limits of the course load are fixed as per the implementation rules of the university.


The Grading System applicable at KFUPM

Appendix "C" shows the grading system applicable at the University including the points assigned to each grade. The maximum GPA a student may attain is 4.00.


An official document that includes all the courses a student has taken at the University as of the date of its printing. It indicates course codes, numbers and credit hours, the grades earned by the student, semester GPA, and cumulative GPA. In addition, it includes the list of courses and credits transferred, if any.

Major GPA

The major GPA is calculated on the basis of all the letter grades assigned in the courses taken in the student's major, as specified in the degree plan. The major GPA is determined by the last grade assigned in each course.

The Credit-Hour for the Laboratory or Field Sessions

The duration of laboratory sessions or field study usually ranges from 150 to 200 minutes; a minimum of 100 minutes is assigned in some programs.

The Admission & Academic Standing Committee

This is a consultative committee set up by the Rector of the University to study applications for transfer, readmission petitions, suspensions, and dismissals, and to reach the appropriate recommendations in accordance with the regulations.

Promotion from Prep-Year Courses

This is based upon successfully passing all or some of the Prep-Year courses in accordance with the rules set by the University.

The Cooperative Program

A period not exceeding (28) weeks of on-the-job training spent by the student, as per the requirement of his major. The student must complete the cooperative program before his last semester at the University.

Summer Training

A period not exceeding (8) weeks of on-the-job training spent by the student, as per the requirement of his major. The student must complete the summer training before his last semester at the University.