Graduate Courses

Mechanical Engineering

Concepts of consistency, stability, and convergence of numerical schemes. Initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations. Various finite difference and finite element methods and their applications to fundamental partial differential equations in engineering and applied sciences. Case studies. Prerequisite: Graduate standing (not to be taken for credit with MATH 574)

Introduce students to design thinking as a systematic approach to innovation and creative problem-solving to design products, services/experiences and systems. The design thinking approach and its various phases such as identifying user needs, defining the problem, generating ideas and narrowing down to a solution, creating a prototype of the solutions to test, and testing the solutions. Examining and practicing a wide range of methods, techniques, and strategies used (in each phase) of the creative design thinking process. IP search and verification.

Types of prototypes; prototype vs original design, physical and digital prototypes, Computer Aided Design (CAD) 2D and 3D modeling, tolerances and fits, conventional manufacturing processes , computer aided manufacturing (CAM), subtractive manufacturing, milling, turning processes, manufacturing process selection, cutting conditions, solidification processes, casting, polymer (plastic) processing ;injection molding, sheet metal work, non-conventional manufacturing processes; rapid prototyping, additive manufacturing (AM), 3D printing, polymer and metallic, filament selection, design for AM, 2D laser cutting, mechanisms of motion /power transfer; on-shelf standard mechanical elements (bearings, gears, fasteners, grids, frames), Assembly, bonding and joining, prototype testing; functionality, strength, deflection.

Introduction to nuclear energy; essential information on basic nuclear physics, systems, and the applications of nuclear energy; history of nuclear energy; overview and working of nuclear power plants, the fundamentals of the nuclear power program; broad view of the nuclear industry; economics of nuclear energy; nuclear energy future.

Governing equations of fluid dynamics (CFD). Introduction to CFD. Grid generation, discretization. Numerical approximations: finite difference and finite volume methods, CFD tools: adapted programs and commercially available general purpose packages. Applications to incompressible and compressible fluid flow.

Introduction to nuclear reactor thermal-hydraulics; The Laws of Nuclear Heat Transfer; Heat Removal from Nuclear Fuel Rods; Single-Phase Flow in Nuclear Power Plants; Core and Fuel Assembly Fluid Flow; Fundamentals of Single-Phase and Two-Phase Heat Transfer in Nuclear Power Plants; Correlations for Single-Phase and Two-Phase Nuclear Heat Transfer; Thermal hydraulic analyses of nuclear reactor design-, operation-, and accident-based scenarios.

Concepts of consistency, stability, and convergence of numerical schemes. Initial and boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations. Various finite difference and finite element methods and their applications to fundamental partial differential equations in engineering and applied sciences. Case studies selected from computational fluid mechanics, solid mechanics, structural analysis, and plasma dynamics. Prerequisite: SE 301 (also offered under MATH574)

Laboratory investigations of the mechanical, physical, and surface properties of materials. Experimental investigations of materials' behavior during processing and in various operating environments. Experimental design and evaluation of results. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Introduction to the solar system, launching, fundamental laws of astrodynamics (space mechanics), orbit maneuvering and determination, important applications in missile trajectories, optimal trajectories, communication satellite and spacecraft attitude, re-entry and hypersonic heating considerations. Prerequisites: Graduate Standing, Consent of the Instructor

Conservation equations for viscous fluids. Navier-Stokes equations and some exact solutions. Basic principles of heat transfer and their application. Subject areas include steady-state and transient system analyses for conduction, free and forced convection, boiling, and condensation.

Nuclear power plant overview. Economics and design principles of nuclear reactor systems. Engineering design of different nuclear reactor designs. Light-water reactor technology. Small modular reactors. Nuclear reactor safety. Reactor operating events and accidents. Nuclear fuel cycle and waste management.

Primary Sources of Energy. Fossil fuels, Bio-fuels, Chemical Reactions. Power cycles. Carbon capture. Renewable energy: Solar energy with emphasis on solar thermal and solar PV, wind energy and geothermal energy. Fuel cells: types and performance. Energy storage and Fuel reforming. Nuclear energy: components, reactor types and fuel cycles.

Energy management, energy audit and energy efficiency. Energy management and optimization in thermal utilities: fuel combustion, boilers, steam systems cogeneration, furnaces, waste heat recovery, insulation and refractory, HVAC and refrigeration systems, cooling towers, heat exchangers. Energy management and optimization in mechanical and electrical utilities: electrical systems, pumping systems, electric motors, compressed air systems, lighting systems, diesel and gas generating systems, and fans and blowers. Energy performance assessment: economics and financial analyses, environmental, health and safety. Case Studies.

Energy Resources and Energy Systems, Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal Systems, Wind Energy, Hydro Power, Bioenergy and Geothermal Energy, Hybrid Renewable Energy systems, Energy Efficiency and Environment, Energy Economics and Markets, Energy Policy, Legislation and Management, Decentralized Energy Systems Planning, Studying the feasibility of renewable energy projects using available software such as RETScreen, HOMER.

Wind power resource assessment, Offshore wind energy and meteorological measurements, Probabilistic methods for wind energy, Introduction to micrometeorology for wind turbine systems, Aerodynamics and control of wind turbines, Structural analysis and mechanical design of wind turbines, Composite materials and fibers, Design and dynamics of wind turbine towers, Integration of wind energy in power system and power grid analysis, Planning and development of wind farms, Introducing simulation software in wind energy such as Windpro and HOMER.

Introduction, the atmosphere, the climate, Carbon cycle: the biological carbon cycle, the role of oceans in the carbon cycle, the inorganic carbon cycle, A box model for the global carbon cycle, the future carbon cycle, Introduction to carbon capture, Gas separations, Absorption, Adsorption, Novel materials for carbon capture, membranes, Transportation and related safety considerations, CO2 Utilization Options: Challenges and Opportunities, Enhanced oil/gas recovery, CO2 as feedstock for production of fuels and chemicals, Non-geologic storage of CO2 (mineralization), Desalination and water production.

Power generation supply and demand, Importance of energy storage, Needs for energy storage and storage alternatives, Storage of thermal mechanical, and electrical energy, Thermal energy storage: Thermal energy storage in solar systems; Thermal energy storage in air conditioning systems; Thermal energy storage with phase change material, Chemical Energy storage (solar fuel reforming). Mechanical energy storage: Spin Wheels, pumps, turbines and waste heat recovery (e.g. Air compression, pump (hydro) power, spin wheels in various sizes.). Electrochemical storage of electrical energy: Important battery technologies and hydrogen technologies (e.g. Lead batteries, various Li-ion batteries, different hydrogen storage, and various fuel cells and supercapacitors). Integration of energy storage media, its effects on the bulk power system: design tradeoffs; and environmental impacts; cost; reliabilities; efficiencies.

Seawater composition, classification of desalination systems, desalination using renewable energy sources such as solar stills and Humidification Dehumidification systems with various layouts, Economic analysis of desalination processes, Single effect evaporation, Multiple effect evaporation, Multistage flash distillation, once through Multistage flash systems, brine mixing and brine recirculation Multistage flash, thermal vapor compression, Membrane distillation, New trends and fouling in desalination systems.

Oblique shock waves. Expansion waves. General features of multidimensional compressible flow. Introduction to small perturbation theory. The method of characteristics with applications to steady and unsteady flows. Prerequisite: ME 425/AE 325 or Equivalent

Fundamentals of classical thermodynamics; First and Second law. Postulatory thermodynamics. State relationships for real gasses and liquids. Thermodynamic properties of pure fluids and mixtures. Phase equilibrium. Chemically reacting systems. Chemical equilibrium. Energy analysis of non-reacting and reacting systems. Applications.

Conservation equations for viscous fluids. Boundary layer concept. Navier-Stokes equations and some exact solutions. Stokesian flow. Laminar boundary layer equations and methods of solution. Von Karman momentum integral equation. Theory of stability of laminar flows. Introduction to turbulent flow.

Kinematics and dynamics of inviscid fluids in steady and unsteady motion. Twodimensional and axi-symmetric potential flows. Singularities. Complex potential and various transformation techniques. Free-stream line flow. Airfoils and wings. Prerequisite: ME 311

Thermal conductivity and law of thermodynamic equilibrium. General heat conduction equation. Boundary conditions involving specified temperature and heat flux, convection and gray body thermal radiation. Thermal circuit concept. Steady one-dimensional conduction: composite walls, heat source systems, extended surfaces. Steady multi-dimensional conduction applications. Unsteady one – and multi-dimensional heat conduction applications. Phase change with moving boundaries. Numerical and classical analytical solution methods.

Radiation from a black body. Definitions and estimation of radiative properties of non black surfaces. Radiative properties of real materials. Radiation exchange between black and gray surfaces. Thermal radiation between non-diffusion gray surfaces. Radiation exchange between gases and enclosures. Combined convection and radiation heat transfer. Radiative behavior of windows, coatings, and solids. Applications and numerical solution methods.

Convection systems. Derivation of conservation equations and solutions for laminar and turbulent boundary layer flows. Forced convection, internal and external flows. Natural convection. Special topics and applications.

Fundamentals of emission formation in combustion systems. Wall quenching and imperfect combustion. Unburned hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, aldehydes, nitrogen oxides, species stratification in the combustion chamber, particulates. Effect of design parameters and engine operating variables on emission formation, Emission controls and instrumentation. Prerequisite: ME 432

Design considerations of various concentrating collectors for thermal and photovoltaic applications. Solar thermal/electric power conversion. Solar thermal energy storage. Solar thermal design methods: f-chart utilizability. Solar space conditioning design and computer simulation models, such as TRNSYS. Economic considerations. Solar desalination and other applications. Design projects in selected areas.

Solar energy and CSP technologies. Design, modeling and performance analysis and optimization of different CSP technologies: Solar tower; solar dish, parabolic trough collectors; linear Fresnel reflectors, Design and performance analysis of thermal storage and chemical storage (solar fuel reforming systems), Modeling and performance analysis of solar power plants; integrated solar gas turbine; cogeneration; and combined cycles plants, Solar assisted cooling systems, Integrated CSP systems modeling and performance analysis software.

Definitions, commercial and research aspects, fluid mechanics at microscale level, experimental flow characterization at microscale, flow in micro-channels, electrokinetic flows and applications, micro-pumps and micro-valves, micro-flow sensors, fabrication techniques for micro-fluidics, introduction to lab-on-chip design and project

Advanced knowledge of different PV technologies and systems: fundamental science with practical implementation, PV cell and module materials, sizing and optimization of PV systems, energy yield estimation and assessment of its performance under different conditions. The design, technical and economic feasibility of stand-alone photovoltaic systems.

Introduction, Finite Element Formulation. Small-Deformation Elastic-Plastic Analysis. Finite –Strain Formulation. Implementation of the Finite-Strain Formulation. Practical applications in metal forming processes and structural component design. Prerequisite: ME 489 or CE 517 or consent of the instructor.

Water purification by desalination and filtration. Fundamentals of thermodynamics and transport processes. Least work of separation and maximum GOR. Technologies of existing desalination systems. Energy efficiency of desalination systems. Nanofiltration and emerging technologies for desalination. Rain water and fog collection and treatment. Selection and design of a cistern water systems. Life cycle water costs.

Clean water global challenge. Review of desalination technologies. Introduction to RO desalination, membrane materials and characterization, membrane transport theory, concentration polarization and membrane fouling, membranes and modules, RO system design and operation technology.

Development of Reynolds Equation from Navier Stokes equations to study the hydrodynamics lubrication theory as the basis for bearing design; applications to simple thrust and journal bearings and pads of various geometries; hydrostatic lubrication, floating ring bearings, compressible gas lubrication, grease lubrication, dynamically loaded bearings, half speed whirl and stability.

Requirement of thermal environment and its effects. Solar radiation measuring techniques and estimation methodology. Heat transmission in buildings. HVAC load and system analyses; computerized techniques. Effects of building configuration, orientation, and systems operation on energy consumption. Prerequisite: ME 315 or Equivalent

Thermodynamics and thermochemistry of combustion; chemical kinetics and mechanisms, dissociation and equilibrium, transport equations for reacting flows, autoignition phenomena, flame stability, laminar premixed and diffusion flames, spray (droplet) combustion, turbulent combustion, detonation and deflagrations, combustion diagnostics systems. Applications in IC engines, industrial furnaces, and gas turbines.

Classification of a variety of heat exchangers, various methods for the exchanger analysis and performance evaluation, pressure drop analysis including header design and flow maldistribution, fouling and its impact on the exchanger performance and life-cycle analysis. Special design considerations for regenerators, plate-fin, tube-and-frame, shell-and-tube, reboilers, condensers, evaporators, and direct-contact heat exchangers.

Definition and classification; the engineering design process; Need, identification, and problem definition; Concept generation and evaluation; Embodiment design. Modeling and simulation; Materials selection and materials in design; Materials processing and design; Design for X. Risk, reliability and safety; Robust and quality design; Economic decision making; Cost evaluation; Legal and ethical issues in design; Detail design; Case studies; Projects.

Tensors, indicial notation and transformation of coordinates. Stresses, principal stresses and Mohr’s circle. Deformation and strain. Velocity fields and compatibility conditions. Constitutive equations. Isotropy. Mechanical properties of solids and fluids. Field equations: applications to elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity and fluid mechanics. Prerequisite: Graduate standing (not to be taken for credit with CE 518)

Fundamentals of Newtonian dynamics. Hamilton’s Principle and Lagrange’s equations. Relativistic dynamics. Central force motion, stability of circular orbits. Rigid body dynamics. Euler equations of motion, Euler angles, gyroscopic motion, spinning projectile, Hamilton’s equations and phase space. Hamilton-Jacobi equation

Review of single degree of freedom oscillator: formulation using generalized stiffness, inertia and damping. Damping mechanisms: viscous, friction, and complex. Response to transient and general excitations. Multiple degrees of freedom systems: formulation and methods of solution. Direct stiffness, influence coefficients and variational approaches. Eigenvalue analysis. Vibration of continuous systems. Approximation methods of continuous systems. Modal reduction technique

Plane stress, plane strain and biharmonic solutions. Problem formulation in Cartesian and polar coordinates. Polynomial, Fourier series and complex variable solutions. Energy theorems and variational techniques. Three-dimensional elasticity. Saint-Venant torsion and bending theory. Navier’s equation and Galerkin vector.

The physics of plasticity: Plastic deformation, Stress-Strain relations, temperature and rate dependence, and crystal plasticity. Constitutive theory: Viscoplasticity, rate-independent plasticity, yield criteria, flow and hardening rules, uniqueness theorems and limit analysis. Problems in contained plastic deformation: torsion of prismatic bars, thick-walled cylinders, and bending of beams. Problems in plastic flow and collapse. Large deformation plasticity. Numerical methods in plasticity.

Finite element formulation. Small-deformation elastic-plastic analysis. Finite-strain formulation. Implementation of the finite-strain formulation. Practical applications in metal forming processes and structural component design.

Overview of state space modeling of linear systems. Stability of time-invariant linear systems. Controllability and observability conditions. Formulation of tracking and regulator problems. Optimal linear state feedback control. The linear optimal regulator problems. Observers, full-order observers. The optimal observer design.

The basic rotor components: disk, shaft and bearings. Simple rotor models, natural frequencies, Campbell diagram, instability, and mass unbalance. Finite element modeling of rotor components. Dynamic modal characteristics of rotors, modal transformations and reduced-order equations. Numerical solution of the rotor equations.

Introduction to random vibrations and stochastic processes. Spectral analysis and frequency response methods. Auto correlation, Cross correlation and Power-spectral density. Random load transmission. Vibration data processing. Digital and fast Fourier transform. Response of continuous systems to random excitation. Wavelet analysis.

Analysis, design, and implementation of smart structures and systems: modeling of beams and plates with induced strain actuation, piezoelectric ceramics and polymers, shape memory alloys, electro-rheological fluids. Piezoelectric and magnetostrictive sensors and actuators, and fiber optic sensors. Integration mechanics. Damage detection and repair. Applications.

Modeling and characterization of MEMS structures: static analysis, free undamped vibration, free damped vibration in coupled fields (structural, electrostatic, fluidic and thermoelastic), forced vibration and reduced-order modeling. Introduction to perturbation and nonlinear dynamics.

Analysis of lumped and distributed parameter systems. Concepts of torsional vibration. Resonances. Frequency response and transfer function methods. Modal analysis. Mathematical modeling using experimental data. Digital Fourier analysis and Fast Fourier Transform. Instrumentation, transducer measurement considerations, data acquisition, signal processing and vibration data format. Typical vibration problems. Fault diagnosis techniques of rotating machinery. Basic balancing of rotors. Resonance and critical speed testing. Machine analysis case studies.

Theory and principles of elastic wave propagation in solids. Reflection, refraction and transmission of plane waves. Dispersion and scattering. Guided wave modes. Analytical and numerical solutions. Applications of ultrasonics to quantitative non-destructive testing (NDT)

Analysis and measurement of sound and vibration as applied to noise control. Review of fundamentals and principles, noise generators. Measurement and analysis of noise and vibration. Noise control: Noise control: Noise criteria, sound absorption and insulation, noise barriers, acoustic enclosures, silencers. Vibration control: Vibration isolation criteria, damping materials, vibration isolating mounts. Studies of machine element noise, fan and flow induced noise, combustion and furnace noise. Fluid piping noise, compressor and pump noise, internal factory noise.

Definition of a multibody system; Mechanical joints and their kinematic constraints; Equations of motion for a multibody system, the constrained form of Lagrange’s equation, Lagrange multipliers, joint reaction forces; Coordinate partitioning, the Lagrangian form with embedded constraints; Dynamics of spatial multibody systems, coordinate transformations using Euler parameters, formulation of the joint constraints, Dynamic equations of motion; Introduction to computational methods in dynamics. Prerequisite: ME 552

Pre-Requisites: ME 552 Or ME 552

Fundamental equations of elasticity and plasticity. General theory of eigenstrains including Fourier series and integrals and Green’s function, Inhomogeneities and dislocations. Eshelby theory, Deformation of metallic alloys – Mori-Tanaka theory. Deformations of metal matrix and ceramic matrix – Brown dispersion hardening and residual stresses. Pure and ductile damage.

Advanced programming and hardware concepts related to working robots, networking of robots, 3-D kinematics, trajectory generation and compliance analysis. Dynamics and control of robots. Assembly operations and machine vision. Industry automation, safety procedures and standards.

Fracture modes and stress fields at the crack tip. Stress intensity factors. Griffith and Irwin theories. Crack initiation and propagation. Fracture tests and fracture toughness. Fatigue crack growth. Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. Mechanisms and mechanics of fractures in engineering components. Numerical methods in fracture mechanics.

Definition of a multibody system. Mechanical joints and their kinematic constraints. Equations of motion for a multibody system: the constrained form of Lagrange’s equation, constrained and unconstrained equations of motion, Lagrange multipliers, joint reaction forces, coordinate partitioning, and the Lagrangian form with embedded constraints. Dynamics of spatial multibody systems: coordinate transformations using Euler parameters and formulation of the joint constraints. Introduction to computational methods in dynamics. The mechanics and deformable bodies: rods, beams and blades. Formulation of the rigid-elastic multibody equations of motion and constrained equations. Computational techniques for deformable mechanisms and multibody flexible systems. Applications.

Laboratory investigations of the mechanical, physical, and surface properties of materials. Experimental investigations of materials’ behavior during processing and in various operating environments. Experimental design and evaluation of results. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Non-conventional and hybrid processes based on high thermal energy sources including laser beam, electric discharge, electron beam, and plasma arc; mechanical processes including abrasive jet, water jet, ultrasonic, and hybrids; chemical and electrochemical processes. Design, quality, integrity of machined products, and economics of advanced machining.

The first half of the course covers different theories of machining of metals, modeling of forces in machining, effect of friction and temperature, cutting tools design and tool materials, machining economics, in addition to analysis of grinding processes. The second half introduces modeling of cold and hot metal deformation, yielding criteria, ideal deformation, slab analysis and upper bound analysis for different sheet and bulk deformation processes.

Probabilistic concepts and distributions. Linear and nonlinear combination of random variables in probabilistic design. Error propagation and tolerance analysis. Stress-strength interference theory and reliability computations. Monte Carlo simulation. Products and systems failure rates and reliability models. Reliability testing and failure data analysis from complete and censored data using maximum likelihood estimation, method of moments, and graphical techniques using probability papers and computer software. Accelerated life testing, Reliability growth models and analysis. Preventive and corrective maintenance.

Review on crystal structures of materials. Mechanical properties of materials. Solid solutions and phase diagrams. Influence of alloying on transformation and critical cooling rates of steels. Surface treatment of metals and alloys. Structure and mechanical properties of polymers. Structure and mechanical properties of ceramics. Special materials for biomedical and aerospace applications. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Corrosion thermodynamics and kinetics. Effect of environmental factors on major forms of corrosion. Environmental conditioning. Mass transfer and corrosion. Anodic and cathodic protection of metals. Organic and nonmetallic coating. Design for corrosion prevention. Testing, monitoring and inspection. Materials selection for corrosion resistance

Classification of wear modes. Adhesion. Abrasion. Rolling-sliding wear, Erosion, Corrosion, Combined wear modes. Friction and heat transfer calculations. Wear models and testing. Design of wear resistant systems. Selection of wear resistant materials.

Review of basic mechanical testing, elastic deformation, stress transformation and static failure theories. Fracture mechanics. Stress-based fatigue for smooth and notched members. Fatigue crack growth. Modeling and analysis of plastic deformation. Strain-based fatigue.

General introduction to polymers and their applications. Types of mechanical behavior. Hookean and rubber elasticity. Plastic deformation. Fracture. Linear viscoelasticity. Dynamic mechanical behavior and testing. Experimental methods. Mechanical properties of polymeric composites.

Point defects and its effects on mechanical properties. Theory and characteristics of dislocations. Grain and twinning boundaries in plastic deformation, geometry of deformation and work-hardening, strengthening mechanisms. Microscopic aspects of fracture, modes of fracture. Deformation at elevated temperatures, superplasticity, deformation maps. Prerequisite: Graduate standing

Stress-strain behavior of metals. Introduction to plasticity. Homogeneous and redundant works. Plastic anisotropy. Slab methods. Upper-bound analysis. Slip line field theory. Open and closed die forging. Extrusion of metals. Mechanics of wire drawing, hot and cold rolling, stretch forming, sheet bending. Analysis of deep drawing, tube drawing and tube making.

A study of the impact of computers and automation on discrete parts manufacturing. Flexible manufacturing and assembly equipment. CAD/CAM concepts and applications. Process planning and manufacturing scheduling. Materials handling. Robotics. Quality assurance. Tooling and fixtures for CNC systems.

Product design for manufacturing, assembly and sustainability. Fundamentals of concurrent engineering, product specification and standardization, materials selection and manufacturability, cost analysis, designing for quality, and sustainability.

Stress/Strain controlled Fatigue-Life prediction laws. Continuum fracture mechanics. Fracture modes. Fracture mechanics and microscopic plastic deformation/fracture mechanics combined approach. Cleavage, ductile fracture, fatigue, creep-fatigue and environmental cracking phenomena. Prerequisite: ME 307 or Equivalent

Statistical process control techniques for quality and productivity improvement in production processes. Quality control charts for variable data and attribute data. Process capability analysis. Acceptance proceedures based on the quality of the product. Taguchi’s ideas of quality. Experience with statistical quality control software. Case studies. The course will also address documentaion using ISO 9000 and other quality standards. Prerequisite: STAT 319 or Equivalent (not to be taken for credit with SE 534)

Review of structure of metals. Dislocation, plastic deformations, and grain boundaries. Vacancies, annealing, solid solutions, phase diagrams, diffusion, solidification of metals. The Fe-C alloy system.

General introduction to FEM and metal forming processes. Basic formulation for elastic deformation. Introduction to plasticity and viscoplasticity. Introduction to finite element nonlinear analysis. Small-deformation elastic-plastic analysis. Finite-strain formulation for metal forming analysis. Implementation of the finite-strain formulation. Practical applications; plane strain problems of rolling and bending, axisymmetric isothermal forging, steady-state processes of extrusion and drawing. Sheet metal forming. Thermo-viscoplastic analysis. Future developments.

Additive manufacturing (AM) or 3D printing processes for metallic alloys, polymers, ceramics, and composites: vat photopolymerization, powder bed fusion, extrusion-based systems, binder and materials jetting, sheet amination, directed energy deposition, and direct write. Basic interrelations among AM processing parameters, parts microstructures, and mechanical properties. Process selection, design for AM, and the impact of AM in revolutionizing manufacturing industries. Reverse engineering technology including digitizing processes through optical scanning and laser scanning.

Advanced topics are selected from the broad area of mechanical engineering. Contents of the course will be provided in detail one semester before its offering. Approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the Graduate Council must be secured before offering this course. Prerequisite: Graduate Standing

Advanced topics are selected from thermofluid area of mechanical engineering. Contents of the course will be provided in detail one semester before its offering. Approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the Graduate Council must be secured before offering the course.

Advanced topics are selected from engineering mechanics area of mechanical engineering. Contents of the course will be provided in detail one semester before its offering. Approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the Graduate Council must be secured before offering the course.

Advanced topics are selected from materials and manufacturing area of mechanical engineering. Contents of the course will be provided in detail one semester before its offering. Approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the Graduate Council must be secured before offering the course.

Graduate students working towards M.S. degree are required to attend the seminars given by faculty and visiting scholars. Additionally, each student must present at least one seminar on a timely research topic. Among other things, this course is designed to give the student an overview of research in the department, and a familiarity with the research methodology, journals and professional societies in his discipline. Graded on a Pass or Fail basis.

The course is offered on a student-to-faculty basis. For a student to register in such a course with a specific faculty member, a clear Research Plan of the intended research work during the course is required to be approved by the Graduate Committee of the department and reported to the Deanship of Graduate Studies. At the end of the course, the student should submit a final report. Prerequisite: Prior arrangement with a course instructor. Only offered for M. Eng. students.

Overview of various computational fluid dynamics methods to date, relevance to continuum and non-continuum fluid dynamics. Introduction to Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM), basics of Kinetic theory of particles, Boltzmann equation. Development of LBM for diffusion equation, diffusion-convection equations, non-isothermal flows, different relaxation techniques. Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Computational Method. Applications and Code Development. Prerequisite: ME 505 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 505

Course to be offered on a student-to-faculty basis. For a student to register in such a course with a specific faculty member, a clear Research Plan of the intended research work during the course is required to be approved by the Graduate Committee of the department and reported to the Deanship of Graduate Studies. At the end of the course, the student should submit a report and present his work to the Department Graduate Committee publicly.

Formal record of student commitment to master's thesis research under the guidance of a faculty advisor. Student to defend his thesis in public and in the presence of a committee of at least 3 faculty members.

Pre-Requisites: ME 599* Or ME 599*

* indicates Co-Requisities

Basic concepts and principles of statistical thermodynamics including statistical mechanics, probability theory, quantum mechanics, kinetic theory, and thermo-physical and transport properties. Basic concepts and principles of gas dynamics for compressible flow within normal temperature ranges. In depth coverage of chemical thermodynamics including chemical equilibrium and chemical kinetics. Prerequisite: ME 531 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 531 Or ME 531

Fundamental mechanisms of evaporation and condensation. Bubble equilibrium, nucleation criteria. Pool and flow boiling models and correlations. Two-phase flow models and governing equations. Flow regime transitions. Pressure drop calculations. Measurement techniques. Drop-wise and film-wise condensation, flow and non-flow systems. Enhanced surface boiling and condensation.

Oblique shock waves. Expansion waves. General features of multidimensional compressible flow. Introduction to small perturbation theory. The method of characteristics with applications to steady and unsteady flows. Prerequisite: ME 425

A graduation project that ought to be related to each students area of work in his company or his preference. It should address either a common problem such that a novel solution is obtained or an improvement of an existing system or procedure. Prerequisites: Prior arrangement with a course instructor. Only offered for students in this program.

Stability of laminar flow and causes of transition to turbulence. Conservation equations and Reynolds stresses. Turbulent boundary layer equations, integral and other methods of solution. Free turbulence, wakes and jets. Statistical analysis; scales of turbulence, correlation functions, spectra. Measuring techniques. Prerequisite: ME 532 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 532

Dynamics of mechanical systems, including ground and flight vehicles. Theory of inertial guidance and navigation. Controllability, observability and stability concepts. Modification of system performance utilizing various control techniques. Optimal control. Pontryagin's maximum principle. Application of computer techniques to selected case studies. Prerequisites: ME 488, ME 552

Pre-Requisites: ME 552 Or ME 552

Basic stress-strain curves, criterion of yielding. Plastic flow rules. Complete stress-strain relations. Theorems of limit analysis, applications of Prandtl-Reuss theory. Plastic bending of beams. Torsion of prismatic bars. Thick-walled tubes. Rotating discs. Plastic analysis of frames. Plastic instability. Theory of slip-line fields. Plane strain indentation and compression. Sheet drawing and sheet extrusion. Finite element methods in plasticity. Prerequisite: ME 541, CE 510, or equivalent

Pre-Requisites: (ME 541 Or ME 541) And (CE 510 Or CE 510)

Application of computer-based control system techniques to batch manufacturing processes. A brief view of control concepts and servomechanisms with an in-depth study of modeling and control problems associated with several manufacturing processes. These include, but not restricted to, metal cutting, metal forming and welding processes as well as the control problem associated with manipulated robotic arms in a manufacturing context. Prerequisite: ME 572

Pre-Requisites: ME 572 Or ME 572

Combustion emissions, mechanisms of emissions formation, effects of design and operating parameters on emission formation in various energy conversion devices including diesel engine, SI engine, and GT engine, emissions from solid fuels, heavy oils, gaseous fuels, and biofuels, effect of fuel quality on emissions, emission control and instrumentation. Prerequisite: ME 548 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 548

Vibrations of systems having nonlinear characteristics. The phase-plane method. Piecewise linear systems. Nonlinear damping. The perturbation method. Method of Krylov and Boguliubov. Averaging methods. Nonlinear resonance. Response of discrete and continuous dynamic systems to random excitation. Stationary and non-stationary excitation. Random parameters. Applications to earthquake excitation, gust response, etc. Prerequisite: ME 553

Pre-Requisites: ME 553 Or ME 553

Stress-strain behavior of metals. Introduction to plasticity. Homogeneous and redundant works. Slab method of analysis. Open and closed die forgings. Extrusion of metals. Mechanics of wire drawing, cold rolling and hot rolling, strength forming, sheet bending. Analysis of deep drawing, tube drawing and tube making. Lubrication of metal forming. Numerical methods in metal forming. Prerequisite: ME 542

Pre-Requisites: ME 542 Or ME 542

Fracture modes and stress fields at the crack tip. stress intensity factors. Griffith and Irwin theories. Crack initiation and propagation. Fracture tests, fracture toughness. Fatigue crack growth. Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. Numerical methods in fracture mechanics. Mechanisms and mechanics of fracture in engineering components. Prerequisite: ME 551

Pre-Requisites: ME 551 Or ME 551

Fundamentals of quantitative and qualitative analysis techniques of nonlinear dynamic systems. Elements of nonlinear systems. Phase plane diagrams, stability and bifurcation of equilibrium and limit cycles, attractors, Lyapunov stability and Poincaré map. Harmonic balance, K-B averaging, Linstedt-Poincaré and multiple-time scales methods. Sub-harmonic, super-harmonic, combination and internal resonances. Parametrically excited systems, Mathieu’s equation, and Floquet theory. One- and two-dimensional maps, structural stability and chaotic attractors, correlation dimensions, Lyapunov exponents and Melnikov’s function. Trends in current research. Prerequisite: ME 552 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 552

Review of rigid multibody dynamics, kinematics joints, constraints, and transformation of generalized coordinates. Constrained and unconstrained equations of motion. The mechanics and deformable bodies; rods, beams, and blades. Formulation of the rigid-elastic multibody equations of motion and constrained equations. Computational techniques for deformable mechanisms and multibody flexible systems. Applications. Prerequisite: ME 565

Pre-Requisites: ME 565 Or ME 565

Dynamics of mechanical systems. Mechanics of ground and airborne vehicles. Introduction to inertial guidance and navigation. Nonlinear control systems: fundamentals of Lyapunov theory, describing function analysis, feedback linearization, and sliding-mode control. Optimal control design. Improving system response via control techniques. Case studies via computer simulations. Prerequisite: ME 552 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 552

PDEs representing physical/mechanical phenomena. Time-stepping (courant condition, diffusion condition). Hardening and post softening mesh convergence. Rate-independent and Rate-dependent solving schemes. Strain-localization (Indentation). Non-local modeling involving strain-localizations. Material length-scales, Coupled multi-physics, multi-scale problems. Prerequisite: ME 551 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 551

Application of Principles of Thermodynamics. Reversible and irreversible electrode processes. Inter-facial phenomena. Principles of kinetics. Absorption. Field effects and gas-metal interface. Principles and applications of anodic and cathodic processes to electroplating and extraction of metals. Fuel cells. Case studies. Prerequisite: ME 472

Application of computer-based control system techniques to batch manufacturing processes. A brief review of control concepts and servomechanisms with an in-depth study of modeling and control problems associated with several manufacturing processes. These include, but not restricted to, metal cutting, metal forming and welding processes as well as the control problem associated with manipulated robotic arms in a manufacturing context. Prerequisite: ME 572 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: ME 572 Or ME 572

Thermodynamic principles. Solutions. Heterogeneous reactions in metallurgy. Kinetics and catalysis. Physio-chemical principles as applied to extraction. Conversion and refining of metals. Applications of Metallurgical processes. Prerequisite: ME 478

Solidification as an atomic process. Thermodynamics of solidification. Nucleation and inter-phase kinetics. Redistribution of solute, macroscopic heat flow and fluid flow. Polyphase solidification. Solidification of ingots. Prerequisite: ME 673

Pre-Requisites: ME 673 Or ME 673

Thermodynamics and phase diagrams. Diffusion. Interface-controlled transformations. Solidification. Diffusion-controlled transformations in solids: precipitate nucleation and growth, TTT diagrams, precipitation hardening, eutectoid transformations, and continuous cooling diagrams. Martensitic transformations.

See description of ME 590

Advanced topics are selected from thermofluid area of mechanical engineering. Contents of the course will be provided in detail one semester before its offering. Approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the Graduate Council must be secured before offering this course.