Graduate Courses

Materials Science & Engg

Metals (ferrous and nonferrous), ceramics, polymers, composites, and semiconductors. Micro/nanostructure and its manipulation. Bonding, structure, mechanical, thermal, electrical, magnetic, and optical properties.

Characterization techniques for crystal structure and composition, Characterization methods for phase changes. Nanoindentation. Error analysis and statistical measurements, Crystal structure and grain size, Phase analysis and composition, Microstructure and crystal orientation. The course will include several visits to the materials lab and an experimental term project.

Introduction to circular materials economy; Resource consumption and its drivers; The materials life-cycle, End of first life; Renewable materials; Natural materials; Criticality and supply-chain risk; Circular materials economics; Materials and sustainability; Circular economy business models; Circular economy standards; Waste management; Digital circular economy; and Implementation of circular materials economy: case studies.

Basic metallurgy of metallic materials used in LWR power systems including low-alloy steels, stainless steels, and nickel-based alloys; ceramic fuel stability and properties; reinforced concrete; radiation damage processes, defect generation, displacement cascades, point defects formation and diffusion, segregation and void formation, defect effects on materials performance including hardening, embrittlement, fracture and creep; corrosion in high temperature aqueous media and environmentally assisted cracking.

Principles of corrosion; forms of corrosion in oil and gas industries; corrosion in petroleum production and operations; corrosion in petrochemical industry. Corrosion detection and monitoring techniques. Corrosion inhibition fundamentals, quality control, selection and application of oil field water chemistry. Emulsion theory and selection. Control by coating offshore and onshore installations. Economics of corrosion control in oil and gas industry.

A basic understanding of principle of corrosion, failures by corrosion, principles and methods of corrosion protection. Basic theory and cathodic protection basics. Types of cathodic protection systems. Cathodic protection criteria. Cathodic protection survey and monitoring. Cathodic protection design. Stray current electrolysis.

Fundamental understanding of materials degradation of components in desalination plants and water treatment systems; corrosion and wear in thermal and reverse osmosis desalination processes; corrosion in water treatment systems; advanced corrosion and wear prevention approaches.

Material microstructure and properties; dislocations and their role in controlling mechanical properties; integration of materials microstructure and solid mechanics principles; mechanical behavior of metallic alloys, engineering polymers and composites. Fracture based on cntinuum fracture mechanics and microstnictural damage mechanisms and relationships between material toughness, design stress, and flaw size. Additional topics include fatigue loading, elevated temperature behavior, material embrittlement, time- dependency, experimental design, and damage-tolerant life prediction.

A review of deformation, ductile and brittle fracture, fracture toughness, failure modes, stress corrosion, hydrogen damage, wear, stress concentration, fracture mechanics, fatigue, techniques and procedures for failure analysis, case studies.

Synthesis of nano-powders and nanostructured precursors (metals, ceramics, intermetallics, CNT), Manufacturing of bulk nano structured materials and nanocoatings, Reactivity and handling of nanoparticles, Characterization of nanomaterials, Physical and mechanical properties of nanomaterials.

Topics covered include: Bonding in Ceramics, Structure of Ceramics, Processing Technologies, Properties of Ceramics, and Applications of Ceramics.

Pre-Requisites: MSE 501 Or MSE 501

Surface science. Surface characterization. Surface modification. Coatings and thin films. Tribology. Surface engineering and control of surface properties.

Pre-Requisites: MSE 502 Or MSE 502

Properties, manufacture, forms of composites; micromechanics; orthotropic lamina properties; laminate analysis; theories; failure analysis; thermal, environmental effects. Prerequisite Graduate standing

This course introduces engineering students to materials as they interact with biological systems, primarily in medicine. Topics will include an overview of the theory, practice of biomaterial science and introduce them to new materials used for Medical Applications. The course will include biology and biochemistry background, properties of materials used in medical applications, classes of materials used in medicine, host reactions involved in biomaterials. It will cover also biological testing of biomaterials, degradation of materials in the biological environment, applications of materials in medicine and artificial organs, tissue engineering. Practical aspects of biomaterials including new products and standards will also be covered.

Nanotechnology are being globally in the limelight as a new dream material in the 21st century and broadening their applications to almost all the scientific areas, such as aerospace science, bioengineering, environmental energy, materials industry, medical and medicine science, electronic computer, security and safety, and science education. Now they are known to be superior to any other existing material in mechanical, electrical, and hydrogen storage characteristics.

Quantitative description of electronic, optical, and magnetic structure-property relationships of materials. Strategies for the development of new materials and introduction to applications of these materials.

Melt treatment, solidification aspects; nucleation and growth, working mechanism of chemical refiners, solid solutions and eutectic solidification, thermal analysis of solidification, micro and macro segregation, unconventional refinement mechanism, conventional and advanced casting processes, mold design, heat-treatment of casting, types of defects, quality control.

This course introduces the basic concepts used in welding and joining. It examines the significance of joining, the process options, and process fundamentals, welding metallurgy and weld ability of materials, design, economics, and inspection and quality control of joining. Specific topics covered in the course will be the physical principles of fusion welding; heat flow; thermal cycles; HAZ and physical metallurgy and mechanical properties of welded joints; applications of welding to large structures; testing of welds; nondestructive testing; design, economics and weld specifications. Welding Metallurgy: weldability of mild steel, stainless steel , aluminum alloys, and cast iron. Weld Defects: weld cracking, weld defects, welding codes, contractions and residual stresses. Nondestructive testing; radiographic and ultrasonic testing methods, quality control and assurance Prerequisite Graduate standing

Steel Phases, phase transformation diagrams, micro structure-mechanical properties relations, steel heat treatment processes, tool steel heat treatments, processes equipment, nonferrous alloys treatments.

Physical and chemical principles involved in the extraction of non-ferrous metals. Principles of hydro-metallurgical processes; extraction of aluminum, copper, nickel, silver and gold. Refining processes of non-ferrous metals.

Pre-Requisites: MSE 502 Or MSE 502

Basic knowledge of material selection; available structural materials; sources of information; material selection criteria; systematic methods of material selection; Use of computer aided material selection program; Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES).

Introduction to Finite Element Analysis; Finite Element Formulation; Linear and Non-linear FEA; Modeling of Materials (Metal and Non-Metals) for Structural, Thermal including phase change, Fluids, and Electromagnetic analysis; Practical applications in component design and materials processing; Future developments.

Introduction to atomistic simulations covers both classical and quantum mechanics techniques. The course is primarily hands-on with a very brief introduction to essential statistical thermodynamics and quantum mechanics concepts. The main focus of the class is on classical molecular dynamics and density functional theory. Basic shell scripting will be introduced as efficient computer simulations relay on some scripting abilities.

Advanced topics are selected from the broad area of Materials Science and Engineering. Contents of the course will be provided in detail one semester before its offering. Approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the Graduate Council must be secured before offering this course.

Advanced topics are selected from the broad area of Materials Science and Engineering. Contents of the course will be provided in detail one semester before its offering. Approval of the Departmental Graduate Committee and the Graduate Council must be secured before offering this course.

Graduate students working towards M.S. degree, are required to attend the seminars given by faculty, visiting scholars, and fellow graduate students. Additionally each student must present at least one seminar on a timely research topic. Among other things, this course is designed to give the student an overview of research in the department, and a familiarity with the research methodology, journals and professional societies in his discipline. Graded on a Pass or Fail basis.

This course is intended to allow the student to conduct research in advanced problems in his MS research area. The faculty offering the course should submit a research plan to be approved by the graduate program committee at the academic department. The student is expected to deliver a public seminar and a report on his research outcomes at the end of the course. Prerequisite: prior arrangement with an instructor

Pre-Requisites: MSE 599* Or MSE 599*

* indicates Co-Requisities

The course is offered on a student-to-faculty basis. For a student to register in such a course with a specific faculty member, a clear Research Plan of the intended research work during the course is required to be approved by the Graduate Committee of the department and reported to the Deanship of Graduate Studies. At the end of the course, the student should submit a final report. Prerequisite: Prior arrangement with course instructor. Only offered for MMSE students.