Steady State modeling and Simulation of power systems by digital computers: sparsity programming.Load-flow, Short circuit and Stability studies for power system planning and operation. Application of industry software for study cases.
Power generation systems; economic dispatch; unit commitment; hydrothermal coordination problem; production cost models; automatic generation control; interchange of power and energy; power system security techniques; state estimation; optimal power flow. Modern Industry operating modes. Electricity market structures.
Introduction to conventional technologies used for generating electricity. Studying of technical problems associated with operation of different types of power plants. Understanding of the complex systems involved in generation of electricity. Introducing the economic, management aspects, and the environmental impact of power generation.
Electric energy from renewable energy sources including solar, wind, hydro and geothermal; biofuels and fuel cells. Characteristics of energy conversion and storage systems. Issues related to integration of small scale energy sources into electricity grid.
Fundamentals of distribution systems planning. Load characteristics. Distribution transformers. Application of capacitors to distribution systems. Voltage regulation. Design of sub-tansmission substations. Design considerations of primary and secondary systems. Distribution system protection. Concept and characteristics of the reliability and availability of the power distribution systems. The integration of conventional and renewable distributed generation into the distribution system.
Fundamentals of power system economics. Background concepts on optimization and power system operation. Structure and operation of deregulated electricity markets as impacted by the behavior of the physical system.
Mathematical methods and modern approaches to power system planning. Demand forecasting. Generation system planning: deterministic and probabilistic methods. Transmission and distribution system planning: heuristic and stochastic methods. Optimization methods for transmission planning. Route selection: environmental and other considerations. Advanced aspects of power system planning: microgrid planning, planning for distributed energy resouces, demand response. Practical case studies for planning.
Analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults on power systems. Study of protective relaying for protection of power systems components against faults. Digital relays, relay coordination and computer solutions are emphasized.
Dynamic models of synchronous machines, Turbine, governor, and excitation systems, Nonlinear and small signal modeling of single machine infinite bus systems, Stability analysis and control design, power system dynamic equivalents. Industrial examples and case studies on power system stabilizer design and implementation will be explained.
Pre-Requisites: EE 522 Or EE 522
Fundamentals of overhead transmission lines and undergound cables. Transmission line parameters and constants. Transmission Line Steady State operation, Natural loading and reactive compensation. Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) devices. Basic principles of operation and control of High-Voltage DC (HVDC)-Substations, switching stations. Underground transmission. Monitoring and control of smart grid. Special transmission: Grids for railway, superconducting cables, Single wire with earth retum, wireless power transmission.
Analysis, design, and control of modern, solid-state, high power, static, ac-to-dc, dc-to-dc, dc-to-ac, and ac-to-ac power converters. Motor drive applications.
General Classes of Power Quality Problems, Transients, Long-Duration Voltage Variations, Short-Duration Voltage Variations, Voltage lmbalance, Harmonics, Waveform Distortion, Voltage Fluctuation, Power Frequency Variations, Power Quality Terms, CBEMA & ITI Curves.
Fundamentals of wind generation, Wind turbines, Wind generators and their models. Control and protection of wind turbine generators. Grid integration aspects.
Description of smart electric grids. Smart grid challenges and modelling. The integration of distibuted generation, renewables, and storage media. Smart grids and demand response, Microgrids, and virtual power plants. Market aspects of the smart grid.
Introduction to High Voltage engineering, Generation of testing voltages. High Voltage measurements. High Voltage insulation. Electic fields and electric breakdown. High Voltage Insulators. Circuit breakers. Switchgears. Case studies on industrial applications: fly ash collection by electrostatic precipitators, metallic powder coating, car electrostatic painting and waste electrostatic.
Intelligent control strategies; fuzzy logic control, neural networks; Heuristic optimization techniques: genetic algorithms, simulated annealing, Tabu search, particle swarm, differential evolution, hybrid systems, hands-on leaming experience, applications and case studies on intelligent control implementation.
Introduction to nuclear engineering. Basic concepts and overview of the nuclear power technology. Fundamentals of reactor analysis including diffusion theory.
Fundamental of Fuel cell systems. Fuel cell types and their applications. Integration of fuel cells in electric power systems.
Core concepts and advanced techniques for economic decision. Analysis of capital investment. Managing and valuing risk in energy engineering systems; Basic terminology, concepts of financial engineering and management.
Introduction to energy efficiency and demand side management (DSM). Benefits of energy efficiency and DSM. Historical development of tariffs. Efficiency of generation, transmission and distribution systems. Technologies to improve the system efficiency. Demand energy and load management. International practices in demand side management.
The contents of this course will be in one of the areas of sustainable energy systems. The specific contents of the special topics course will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered.
The contents of this course will be in one of the areas of sustainable energy systems. The specific contents of the special topics course will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered.
Model construction and modelling issues. Linear programming (LP) formulation, Simplex method: two-phase algorithm, dual simplex method, network simplex method. Duality, sensitivity analysis, economic interpretation and applications. lnteger programming (lP), modelling techniques using zero-one variables. Branch and bourd algorithm for integer programming. Various applications of integer programming. Computer packages and case studies.
Fundamentals of power systems. Power grid in KSA. Electricity markets. Quality and reliability of power systems. Modeling of power grids components. Basics of optimization and computational techniques. Per-unit analysis. Load flow analysis. Fault studies. Transient stability analysis. Operation and planning of power systems. Frequency regulation and automatic generation control. Security and contingency analysis. Power system monitoring and state estimation.
Fundamentals of Sustainable and Renewable Energy Systems. Energy outlook and the environment. Global warming and fossil fuels. Solar energy systems. Wind energy systems. AC-DC converters. Batteries and charge controllers. Techno-economic analysis of sustainable and renewable energy systems.
Fundamentals of thermodynamics as applied to energy conversion systems. Conventional and renewable sources of energy. Analysis of conventional and renewable technologies for generating electricity with emphasis on performance and environmental impact. Renewable electrical power generation will include concentrated solar power generation, photovoltaic and geothermal energy. Basic principles of fuel cells and carbon capture. Different forms of energy storage, optimal source utilization and life cycle analysis.
Modeling of renewable sources. Characteristics of renewable generation. Power system analysis of bulk power grids with integrated renewable sources. Operational challenges with high renewable penetrations. Mathematical models of power system planning considering renewable resources. Uncertainties representation of renewable resources. The impact of inverter based generation on bulk power system dynamics and short-circuit performance. Integration impact of renewable power plants in the generation and transmission expansion planning.
Pre-Requisites: SEN 540 And SEN 541
Photovoltaic system characteristics. Modelling and prediction of PV module energy yield. Building-integrated photovoltaics. Stand-alone photovoltaic systems. System design and operation of large-scale photovoltaic power plants. Environmental impact of PV systems.
Pre-Requisites: SEN 541
Fundamentals of microeconomics. Energy demand, supply, markets, and public policies affecting energy markets. Aspects related to oil and natural gas, electricity, nuclear power, and renewable sectors. Energy regulation and taxing, energy efficiency, and policies for emission control. Subsidies and tariffs.
Principles, structure, and design of deregulated electricity markets. Perfect and imperfect competition. Strategies for conventional and renewable participants in electricity markets. Network considerations, transmission congestion, locational marginal prices, and ancillary services. Market regulations and policies for sustainable electricity supply. Generation and transmission planning in a deregulated market environment.
Reactor physics and technology. Nuclear power plant theory. Design principles. Thermal hydraulics. Nuclear fuel cycle. Integration of nuclear energy into energy systems. Operation and control. Safety and reliability. Nuclear power plant equipment and performance. Economics and environmental issues. Nuclear fuel management. Nuclear techniques in medicine and industry, and advanced topics in nuclear engineering.
Pre-Requisites: SEN 542
Design consideration of various concentrating collectors for thermal and photovoltaic applications. Solar thermal/electric power conservation. Solar thermal energy storage. Solar thermal design methods: chart utilizability. Solar space conditioning design and computer simulation models such as TRNSYS. Economic considerations. Solar desalination and other applications. Design projects in selected areas.
Pre-Requisites: SEN 541 And SEN 542
Introduction of meteorological aspects. Basic meteorological measurements. Characteristics of wind parameters. Wind power resource assessment. Wind turbines technology and power. Mechanical aspects. Control and protection. Wind turbine generator models. Integrated wind power aspects.
Pre-Requisites: SEN 541
Fundamentals of smart grids including definitions, technology, architecture and design criteria. Distributed generation systems. Smart grid technologies and its applications. Operation and planning of future power distribution networks. Smart metering. Demand side management. Distribution automation equipment. Electric vehicles. Main components of a microgrid. Grid connected and islanded modes of microgrids. DC and AC microgrids. Structure of microgrids. Centralized and decentralized microgrid controllers.
Fundamental energy concepts. Load characterization. Utility rates and potential identification of efficiency enhancement. Scientific background of lighting. Heating and air-condition systems. Energy conservation codes. Standards and constraints. Investigating the economic, regulatory and infrastructure factors. Energy management strategies. Design techniques to minimize energy consumption of building architectural, mechanical and electrical systems.
Renewable power integration issues. Need for energy storage. Principles and technologies. Energy storage systems. Distributed storage. Modeling and control of battery energy storage systems. Super capacitors. Fuel cells. Flywheels. Pumped hydroelectric storage. Hybrid energy storage systems. Power control and management. Storage sizing methodologies. Degradation and losses. Optimal operation and performance indices. Storage for electric vehicles and applications of energy storage. Cost analysis. Future of energy storage.
Ecologically sustainable strategy, designing for sustainable buildings and cities, regulatory environment, green building rating, material selection, indoor environmental quality (air, light, and noise), water treatment & efficiency systems, ventilation systems, building economics, and staff productivity. Transportation planning processes, use of optimization techniques in transportation. Water Resources and Environmental Engineering. Evaluation of wastewater treatment plants. Applications of system engineering techniques to water and environmental problems.
Fundamentals of project management. Technical, economic, and policy considerations related to achieving a profitable reduction in fossil fuels. Specific characteristics of energy projects from planning point of view. Energy conservation. Energy data collection, recording, processing and analysis. Statistical analysis. Building the project framework. Components of the project plan. Project scope statement and its importance. Utilizing the Work Breakdown Structure and the project schedule. Components of schedule development. Energy management and audit. Risk management techniques. Stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities. Effective project leaders. Computer applications as tools in energy management.
The contents of this course will be in one of the areas of renewable and sustainable energy systems. The specific contents of the special topics course will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor
The contents of this course will be in one of the areas of renewable and sustainable energy systems. The specific contents of the special topics course will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor
This course gives the students an opportunity to complete a project related to the sustainable and renewable engineering program. Apply knowledge gained during the previous semesters and practice a variety of skills such as researching for technical information, organization, planning, looking up sources, designing and testing, and delivering oral and written presentations. Graded on a pass or fail basis.