Structural organization of cells and metabolic activities of some of the cellular components, basic principles of genetics, biological diversity and the major kingdoms of life.
Population and community ecology, with emphasis on growth and distributions of populations, interaction between species, structure, dynamics, and functions of communities and ecosystems; structure and systems analysis of the earth from a biological perspective, with emphasis on biogeochemical cycles and global change. At least one field trip required.
Pre-Requisites: BIOL 101
The course covers structures, functions, and diversity of microbes with respect to basic views related to microorganisms. Its highlight different metabolic diversities, advances in molecular phylogeny, diversification and biogeochemical cycling of elements in different environments. It studies interaction among viruses, bacteria and macro organisms with objective views of beneficial vs. harmful effects of microorganisms on environment, human health and society.
Pre-Requisites: BIOL 102
An introductory human physiology. The course will concentrate on basic mechanisms underlying human life process including cells and membranes; nervous and muscle function cardiovascular, respiratory, and renal and gastrointestinal physiology; metabolism, endocrinology and reproduction.
Pre-Requisites: BIOL 101
Basic understanding of the fundamental principles of biology. Basic information in the chemical context of life, cell structure, cell function, energy production and transfer, cell division (mitosis and meiosis) and DNA technology and its engineering applications, basic information about the microorganisms (microbiology) and viruses. Emphasis on topics of relevance to engineering applications.
Studies of biomolecules such as sugars, polysaccharides, homoglobin and amino acids and on the structural studies of proteins. Enzymes in biological tissues with emphasis on mechanism and catalytic reactions. Metabolism and transport in biological systems. Study of structure of nucleic acids as well the DNA molecule.
Pre-Requisites: CHEM 201 And BIOL 101