Undergraduate Courses

Electrical Engineering

Number systems & codes. Logic gates. Boolean algebra. Karnaugh maps. Analysis and synthesis of combinational systems. Decoders, multiplexers, adders and subtractors, PLA's. Types of flip-flops. Memory concept. Counters. Registers. Sequential circuit design. System level digital design. HDL (Verilog) use in the design and synthesis of digital systems.

Pre-Requisites: MATH101

Basic laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive circuits. Circuit analysis techniques. Network theorems: Thevenin's Norton's, Source transformation, Superposition, Maximum power transfer. Energy storage elements. First and second order circuits. Phasor techniques for steady-state sinusoidal circuits.

Pre-Requisites: MATH102 And PHYS102

Basic laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive circuits. Circuit analysis techniques. Network theorems: Thevenin's Norton's, Source transformation, Superposition, Maximum power transfer. Op Amps. Energy storage elements. First and second order circuits. Phasor techniques for steady-state sinusoidal circuits.

Pre-Requisites: MATH102 And PHYS102

Opamp Linear Applications. PN junction and zener diode. Diode basic circuit analysis and diode applications (rectifier and limiters). MOSFET and BJT (DC, small signal analysis). Amplifier configurations and characteristics. CMOS digital circuits.

Pre-Requisites: EE201 Or EE202

Basic laws: Ohm’s law, KVL, KCL. Resistive networks. Circuit analysis techniques: node-voltage and mesh-current. Network theorems. Inductance and capacitance. Sinusoidal analysis and phasor methods. Power concepts of AC circuits. Polyphase circuits.

Pre-Requisites: MATH102 And PHYS102

Analysis of three-phase networks. Time domain solutions of second order circuits. State equations for linear circuits. Computer-aided circuit analysis. Frequency domain analysis and bode plots. Network analysis in the S-domain. Mutal inductance and transformers. Two port networks.

Introduction to fundamentals of EE: circuits, energy, communication, control, signal processing, electromagnetics, electronics, and digital systems. Computational techniques. Instrumentation and measurement. Introduction to technology and applications.

Introduction to Signals and Systems. Time-Domain Analysis. Convolution. Fourier Series and Applications. Fourier Transform and Applications. Laplace Transform and Applications. Discrete-Time Signals and Systems. Sampling. Difference Equations and Z-Transform. Introduction to Discrete Time Fourier Transform and its applications.

Pre-Requisites: EE201 Or EE202

Basic electrical concepts: Ohm's law, Kirchoff's laws, DC and AC, resistance, inductance, capacitance, three phase systems. Electrical symbols. Outlets, conductor sizes, types and determination of number of circuits required. Wiring plans for single and multiple family dwellings, commercial and institutional structures.

Introduction to fundamentals of EE: circuits, energy, communication, control, signal processing, electromagnetics, electronics, and digital systems. Computational techniques. Instrumentation and measurement. Introduction to technology and applications.

Basic laws: Ohm's, KVL, KCL. Resistive circuits. Circuit analysis techniques. Network theorems: Thevenin's Norton's, Source transformation, Superposition, Maximum power transfer. Op Amps. Energy storage elements. First and second order circuits. Phasor techniques for steady-state sinusoidal circuits.

The course consists of a set of laboratory experiments for students to gain hands-on experience in electrical circuits so that they are able to put theoretical concepts into practice. The experiments are designed to help students understand the basic principles of electric circuits as well as giving them insight on design, simulation and hardware implementation of circuits.

Pre-Requisites: EE202* Or EE201*

Co-Requisites: EE 201 , EE 202

Important power concepts of AC circuits. Three phase circuits. s-domain analysis. Frequency selective circuits. Two-port networks. Transformers.

Pre-Requisites: EE202 Or EE201

Introduction to Electrical Engineering, Basic laws: Ohm’s Law, KVL, KCL. Resistive Circuits. Circuit analysis techniques. Network Theorems: Nodal and Mesh Analysis. Superposition. Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorems. Maximum power transfer. Energy storage elements. Sinusoidal excitation. Phasor approach. Power in AC Circuits. Number systems. Digital primitives. Logic circuits and minimization techniques. Sensing and Quantization. ADCs. Microcontrollers. PN junction diode. Ideal and piecewise-linear diode models. Basic diode circuit analysis. Diode applications: rectifiers, regulators, clampers and clippers. Ideal Op-Amps. Amplifier configurations and characteristics

Pre-Requisites: MATH102 And PHYS102

The course consists of a set of laboratory experiments to enhance students understanding of the EE 234 course material in addition to providing them with a hands-on experience of dealing with different equipment and components in electrical engineering. The students will be exposed to a complete spectrum of components and system blocks required to build a complete application-driven electronic system and will also have an opportunity to implement several microcontroller-based applications.

Pre-Requisites: EE234*

Co-Requisites: EE 234

Electric quantities: charge, current, voltage, power, and energy. Basic electric circuit components: voltage and current sources, resistors, capacitors, and inductors, dependent sources. Basic laws: Ohm’s, KVL, KCL, and power calculations. Network theorems: Thevenin’s Norton’s source transformation, superposition. Operational Amplifiers: inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, summing and difference amplifiers. PN junction and Zener diode. Diode basic circuit analysis and diode applications (rectifier and limiters). MOSFET (DC, small signal analysis). Amplifier configurations and characteristics. CMOS digital circuits. Sensing and Quantization.

Pre-Requisites: MATH102 And PHYS102

Experiments: The course consists of a set of laboratory experiments for students to gain hands-on experience of dealing with different equipment and components in electrical and electronic circuits and systems. The students will be exposed to a range of electronic devices, such as diodes, transistors and op-amps, and will implement them in a range of important applications, such as rectification, amplification and digital logic.

Pre-Requisites: EE236* Or EE203*

Co-Requisites: EE 236

Experiments: Introduction to Electric Circuits Simulation and Testing & Lab Safety Measures and Guidelines, Electric Circuits Fundamentals Laws, Voltage & Current Dividers and Superposition Principle, Equivalent Source Models and Maximum Power Transfer, The Oscilloscope and Function Generator, Sinusoidal AC Circuit Analysis, Transient Circuit Analysis, Frequency Selective Circuit Analysis, Two-Port Network, and Design project.

Pre-Requisites: EE213*

Co-Requisites: EE 213

Experiments: Getting Started with Laboratory Equipment, Building Logic Functions Using Traditional ICs, Sequential Logic Circuits Design, Introduction to Verilog HDL and Simulation Using Webpack, Digital Project I: A sequential circuit to utilize both the FPGA and digital ICs with 7 segments display, Digital Project II: A sequential circuit to utilize both the FPGA and digital ICs with 7 segments display, Linear Applications of Operational Amplifier, Semiconductor Diodes Characteristics and Applications, DC Power Supply, Transistor Characteristics, Biasing, CE amplifier, and MOS I-V Characteristics, Biasing and CS amplifier.

Pre-Requisites: COE202 And EE203*

Co-Requisites: EE 203

Differential amplifiers. Multistage amplifiers. Amplifier frequency response (for single stage, multistage and opamp). Passive and Active filters. Feedback: Circuit topologies and analysis. Oscillators. Introduction to A/D and D/A.

Pre-Requisites: EE203

Experiments: Simulation Analysis using SPICE and Multisim, BJT Differential Amplifier, Frequency Response of the Common Source Amplifier, Frequency Response of Multistage Amplifier (CE-CC), Frequency response of op amp based amplifiers, Applying Negative Feedback on Amplifiers and Rectifiers, Various types of first-order active filters and their applications, Second-order active filters, Sinusoidal Oscillators, and Signal Generators.

Pre-Requisites: EE272 And EE303*

Co-Requisites: EE 303

Magnetic circuits. Transformers. Concepts of electric machines. DC generators and motors operation. Three-phase Induction motors. Motor starting. Synchronous machines. Parallel operation. Fractional Horsepower Motors.

Pre-Requisites: EE204

Electrical symbols and Wiring Layout and Applications. Conductors, Fuses, and Circuit Breakers. Introduction to building wiring system: design elements, design procedures and calculation, and National Electrical Code requirements. Types and determination of number of branch circuits required. Basic electrical system design for residential, office and commercial buildings. Building Management Systems (BMS). The course features an electrical design project where students are required to develop and present a basic set of electrical design documents for a medium-size building.

Introduction to engineering design. The engineering design cycle. Carrying a literature survey. Formulation of practical engineering problems. Customer needs analysis. Brainstorming in design projects. Arduino programming in engineering design projects. Modeling, implementation, and evaluation in engineering design. Report writing, presentation skills, professional ethics, and teamwork.

Pre-Requisites: EE272

Introduction to building wiring systems: design elements, design procedures, and calculation, and National Electrical Code requirements. Types and determination of the number of branch circuits required. Basic electrical system design and load calculation for residential, office and commercial buildings. Concept of light, vision, and color. Luminaries and lamps. Lighting system design procedures; calculation and measurement techniques, evaluation of interior lighting quality, and day-lighting. The course features an electrical design project where students are required to develop and present a basic set of electrical design documents for a medium-size building. Computer applications in artificial and day-lighting analysis and design. The course also includes a lab that provides hand-on experiences that supplement the topics presented in the course.

Pre-Requisites: EE204

Fundamentals of probability theory: single and two discrete and continuous random variables. Probability density function. Gaussian and other distributions. Functions of one and two random variables. Joint and conditional probabilities. Moments and statistical averages. Central limit theorem. Introduction to random processes. Concept of stationarity. Correlation function. Power spectrum density. Responses of linear systems to random signals. Introduction to statistics. Point and interval estimations. Hypothesis testing.

Pre-Requisites: EE207

Time varying fields: Faraday's Law, Displacement current, Maxwell's equations, The Wave Equation, Helmholtz Equation, Plane wave propagation. Wave Polarizations, Poynting vector, Reflection and Refraction. Introduction to transmission lines, Rectangular Waveguides, antennas, Introduction to Basic Optical Fiber Communication System.

Pre-Requisites: (EE202 Or EE201) And (MATH302 Or PHYS305)

Experiments: Electric Field & Potential Inside Parallel Plate Capacitors, Capacitance & Inductance of Transmission Lines, Simulation of Electric Field and Potential Inside Capacitors, Magnetic Field Outside a Straight Conductor, Magnetic Field of Coils, Magnetic Force on a Current Carrying Conductor, Magnetic Induction, EM wave demonstration, Radiation, & Radiation Pattern of a Horn Antenna and EM Wave Transmission and Reflection.

Pre-Requisites: EE340*

Co-Requisites: EE 340

A continuous period of 28 weeks spent in the industry working in any of the fields of electrical engineering. During this training period, the student is exposed to the profession of electrical engineering through working in many of its fields. The student is required to submit, and present, a formal written report of his work.

A continuous period of 28 weeks spent in the industry working in any of the fields of electrical engineering. During this training period, the student is exposed to the profession of electrical engineering through working in many of its fields. The student is required to submit, and present, a formal written report of his work.

A continuous period of 28 weeks spent in the industry working in any of the fields of electrical engineering. During this training period, the student is exposed to the profession of electrical engineering through working in many of its fields. The student is required to submit, and present, a formal written report of his work.

Fundamentals of electric energy systems. Electric energy conversion. Components of electric energy systems. Transformers (1 and 3 phases). AC machine fundamentals. Synchronous and Induction machines. DC machine fundamentals. Overhead transmission lines and underground cables.

Pre-Requisites: EE213

Experiments: Introduction to CASSY Lab & Lab Safety Measures and Guidelines, Three Phase and Two-Wattmeters Method, Magnetic Circuits Characteristics, Equivalent Circuit and Performance Evaluation of Single-Phase Transformer, Three Phase Transformers, DC Generator Characteristics, DC Motor Characteristics, Determination of Parameters of Three Phase Synchronous Generators and Equivalent Circuit, Performance, and Torque-Speed Characteristics of 3-phase Induction Motors.

Pre-Requisites: EE271 And EE360*

Co-Requisites: EE 360

Review of signal and linear systems. Amplitude modulation (AM, DSB, SSB, VSB). Angle modulation (FM, PM). Sampling, Quantization, PCM, DPCM, DM. Multiplexing. Line coding and baseband transmission. Bandlimited channels and ISI. Digital carrier modulation (PSK, ASK, FSK, and M-ary). Examples of modern communication systems.

Pre-Requisites: EE203 And EE207

Experiments: Safety measures and guidelines. Getting familiar with the hardware kit. Representation of signals & systems. Simulation of communication systems in time and frequency domains. Working with speech signals. Implementation of Analog modulation & demodulation techniques: AM, QAM, and FM. PCM encoding and decoding. Line coding. Experimenting with digital modulation techniques like ASK, PSK and FSK .

Pre-Requisites: EE272 And EE370*

Co-Requisites: EE 370

Introduction to feedback control systems. Block diagram and signal flow graph representation. Mathematical modeling of physical systems. Stability of linear control systems. Time-domain and frequency-domain analysis tools and performance assessment. Lead and lag compensator design. Proportional, integral, and derivative control.

Pre-Requisites: EE207

Experiments: Introduction to the computer aided design package MATLAB & Lab Safety Measures and Guidelines, Introduction to SIMULINK and simulation of a speed control system, Servo-Trainer: Familiarization, Experimental Determination of the servo-trainer DC Motor Model, Model-based Investigation of the Effect of Tuning Parameters on a Servo Motor Response and Mode Transition, Speed Control Servo with Proportional + Integral Control, Servo Motor Position Control Using Position and Speed feedback, Position Control Servo-system Error Cancellation Using Proportional-Integral (PI) Controllers and Effect of lead and lag RC-circuits on the performance of Servo-motor.

Pre-Requisites: EE380*

Co-Requisites: EE 380

Microcontroller and microprocessor architectures. Assembly language programming and debugging. Memory, Input/output mapping and interfacing. Interrupts. ADC/DAC, Programming in C.

Pre-Requisites: (ICS104 Or ICS102 Or ICS103) And (COE202 Or EE200)

Experiments: Lab Safety Measures and Guidelines, Introduction to the microcontrollers/microprocessors, Assembly and C language programming, Data Transfer Instructions for Registers and Memory, Instructions for Jump, Loop, and Call operation, The Addressing Modes, Arithmetic, Logical and Rotate Instructions, Use of Timers, Counters and Interrupts, Applications of microcontrollers, Design project.

Pre-Requisites: EE390*

Co-Requisites: EE 390

A continuous period of 18 weeks spent in the industry working in any of the fields of electrical engineering. During this training period, the student is exposed to the profession of electrical engineering through working in many of its fields. The student is required to submit, and present, a formal written report of his work.

Pre-Requisites: ENGL214

A continuous period of 8 weeks of summer training spent in the industry working in any of the fields of electrical engineering. The training should be carried out in an organization with an interest in one or more of these fields. On completion of the program, the student is required to submit a formal written report of his work.

Pre-Requisites: ENGL214 And EE311

Network Architectures. Network Layers: OSI Model and TCP/IP Model. Physical Layer Protocols and Digital Transmission Fundamentals. Data Link Layer Protocols. Network Layer Protocols: IP Protocols. Medium Access Control systems. Packet Switching and Circuit Switching. Routing in Packet Switching Networks. Security Protocols.

Pre-Requisites: EE315 And EE370

Review of stability criteria and techniques. Linear feedback system design and compensation methods. Introduction to nonlinear control systems: the describing function and phase plane analysis. Stability criteria for nonlinear systems. On-off control systems and optimum switching. Introduction to optimal control theory. Simulations.

Pre-Requisites: EE380

Characteristic of semiconductors. Classification of the various junctions. Characterization of bipolar devices. MOS devices. Charge-transfer devices. Integrated devices. Opto-electric devices. Impatt photovoltaic effect. Solar cells.

Pre-Requisites: PHYS203 And EE203

Characteristics of HF transmission lines. Lossless and lossy transmission lines. Microstrip transmission lines. Smith chart. Impedance matching techniques. Theory of waveguides (rectangular and circular). Microwave components and cavity resonators. Klystrons, Magnetrons and traveling wave tubes. Introduction to radio wave propagation. Introduction to software design tools.

Pre-Requisites: EE340

Discrete time signals and systems. Linear shift-invariant systems response, difference equations, convolution, and frequency response. Discrete Fourier transform. FFT algorithms. Discrete time Fourier transform and applications. Sampling and aliasing. Finite impulse response (FIR). Filter design techniques, Infinite impulse response (IIR) Filter Design.

Pre-Requisites: EE207

Review of Transmission line theory, Planar Transmission lines, Microstrip lines and components, Microwave Network Analysis, Microstrip Capacitors, Resistors and Inductors, Microstrip Passive devices (Coupler, Power divider, Filter, Circulator, Phase shifter and Patch antenna), Microstrip Active devices (Diode, Transistor, Amplifier, Oscillator, Mixer and Demodulator), Introduction to Microwave Integrated Circuits.

Pre-Requisites: PHYS305 Or EE340

Introduction to exploration geophysics and the seismic surveying method. Theory of elasticity, the wave equation, and seismic wave types. Propagation effects on seismic wave amplitudes. Ray paths in layered media and reflection geometry in layered media. Characteristics of reflection seismic events and accompanying noise. Spectral analysis of seismic data and useful transforms. Sampling theory of seismic data. Seismic applications of digital filtering theory. Fundamentals of digital optimum filtering, seismic deconvolution, and seismic wavelet processing.

Pre-Requisites: EE207

Introduction to exploration seismic. Seismic data interpretation. Seismic image enhancement in the spatial domain. Seismic image enhancement in the spectral domain. Seismic attributes. Color display of seismic images. Seismic image segmentation.

Pre-Requisites: EE207

Digital image fundamentals. Image sensing and acquisition. Image enhancement. Intensity transformation. Spatial and frequency domain filtering. Processing color images. Image compression. Basics of image segmentation. Image restoration and reconstruction. Applications of digital image processing

Pre-Requisites: EE207 Or CISE315 Or CIE315

This is the first of two courses for the multidisciplinary, capstone project. Multidisciplinary teams will be formed, projects will be defined, and project management discussed.

Pre-Requisites: EE311*

Co-Requisites: EE 311

This is the second of two courses for the multidisciplinary, capstone project. Multidisciplinary teams undertake product definition, generation of conceptual designs, product development, and presentation of final products. Students integrate knowledge acquired from prior courses into multidisciplinary projects with multiple constraints and use engineering standards while further developing their communication skills and life-long learning techniques.

Pre-Requisites: EE411

Fundamentals of Machine Learning (ML), Python programming language and the ML framework in Python. Concepts of classical and contemporary ML approaches including deep learning. Concepts of real-world problems related to speech, image processing, seismic processing, and medical signal processing. Concepts of using DSP and ML to solve these real-world problems.

Pre-Requisites: EE207

Integrated circuit devices and concepts. Review of single stage BJT and FET amplifiers. Biasing circuits, current mirrors and sources. Design of input stages, differential pairs,active loads, gain stages, and level shifting. Output stages, power dissipation, and current protection. Design of low power amplifiers. Analysis of typical operational amplifier circuits and audio amplifiers. Non-linear operational amplifier applications. Design of compactors, A/D and D/A converters.

Fundamentals of radar system engineering. Radar range equation. Radar transmitters, antennas, and receivers. Concepts of matched filtering, pulse compression, and the radar ambiguity function. Radar target detection in a noise background. Target radar cross-section models. Propagation and clutter. MTI and pulsed Doppler processing. Range, angle, and Doppler resolution/accuracy. Tracking. Imaging radar. Range and cross-range resolution; Image formation and characteristics. Backscatter. Modern techniques for electromagnetic sensing.

Pre-Requisites: EE207 Or CISE315 Or CIE315

Review of digital representation of analog signals. Baseband transmission of digital signals. Matched filter detection. Performance of digital communication systems in the presence of noise. Signal-space analysis. Optimum receivers. Band-pass transmission of digital signals. Modulation schemes: ASK, FSK, PSK, OFDM. Introduction to entropy, channel capacity, and forward error control. Emerging topics in digital communication systems.

Pre-Requisites: EE315 And EE370

Overview of satellite systems. Orbits and launching methods. Communication satellite subsystems. Modulation schemes and satellite multiple access (FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA). Space link analysis. Satellite antennas. Applications of satellites.

Pre-Requisites: EE370

Wave propagation mechanism. Antenna type. Channel models. Large and small scale fading. Performance of digital modulation over fading channels. Diversity. Link budget analysis. Multiple access techniques (TDMA, FDMA, CDMA). Cellular systems (frequency planning, capacity, handoff, sectorization). Modern wireless communication technologies and standards.

Pre-Requisites: EE315 And EE370

Optical fiber waveguides: ray and mode theories. Step-index and graded-index fibers. Transmission characteristics of optical fibers: losses and dispersion. Methods of manufacturing optical fibers and cables. Connections of optical fibers. Measurements of attenuation, dispersion, refractive index profile, numerical aperture, diameter, and field. Optical sources: semiconductor lasers and light emitting diodes. Optical detectors. Optical fiber systems. Digital and analog systems. Design of a simple optical fiber communication link.

Pre-Requisites: EE340 Or PHYS305

Review of basics of optics including photon-matter interaction, interference, diffraction, coherence, polarization, etc. Introduction to geometrical optics. Light sources and transmitters. Optical detectors and receivers. Optical waveguides and optical fibers. Optical devices: amplifiers, filters, isolators, diffraction gratings, switches, polarization controllers and modulators. Operating principles of optical multiplexers and demultiplexers. A survey on some contemporary topics in photonics and optics.

Pre-Requisites: PHYS305 Or EE340

Introduction to antennas. Review of HF transmission lines. Fundamental parameters of antennas. Transmission formula and radar range equation. Radiation integrals. Linear wire antennas. Antenna arrays. Synthesis of far field patterns by array factors. Design of Dolph-Chebyshev arrays. Broadband antennas and matching techniques. Microstrip antennas. Introduction to smart antennas. Methods of antenna measurements. Antenna design using commercial software.

Pre-Requisites: EE340

Mixed mode integrated circuit devices and concepts. Advanced modeling and 2nd order effects of transistors and single stage amplifiers. Current mirrors and sources. Design of transconductance amplifier. Design of input stages, differential pairs, active loads, gain stages and level shifting. Output stages, power dissipation. Low voltage design, low power design. Fully differential operation. High performance amplifier design. Analysis and design of typical opamp circuits. Voltage and current references. Noise Analysis. Distortion analysis.

Pre-Requisites: EE303

Advanced filter design. Tuning circuits. S/H circuits. Delay elements. Clock generation circuits. Switched capacitor circuits. OTA design. Design of comparators. A/D and D/A convertors.

Pre-Requisites: EE207 And EE303

Basics of bioelectronics, measurement constraints, and biostatistics. Displacement measurement: resistive sensors, inductive sensors, capacitive sensors. Operation of various sensors: PZT, temperature, and optical sensors. Conditioning circuits for biosignals. Design examples of physiological signals and their measurements. Use of CAD tools in bioelectronics system design.

Pre-Requisites: EE203 Or EE234 Or EE236

Microprocessor architectures. Design of ALU. Overview of 32 and 64 bit processors. Advanced assembly language programming. Memory mapping. Advanced input/output interfacing. Programmable timers. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog interfacing. BIOS and DOS interrupts. High-level language interface. Data acquisition. Design projects.

Concept of information and its measurement. Entropy and source coding and Huffman codes, LZW codes. Channel coding theorem and channel capacity. Linear codes. Block codes: detection and correction. Cyclic codes, Hamming codes, BCH codes, encoding, and decoding algorithms. Convolutional codes. Advances in codes: LDPC, Turbo codes.

Pre-Requisites: EE315 And EE370

Introduction to digital control and discrete transform (z-transform). Discrete and hybrid Signal Flow Graphs (SFG)s. Solution of discrete-time state space. Modified z-transform. Time-response and characteristic equations. Stability concepts in discrete-systems. Root locus, Nyquist method and Bode plot applied to discrete systems. Digital lead lag compensators applied to digital systems. Introduction to design.

Pre-Requisites: EE380

Introduction to process control. Theoretical modeling of simple chemical processes. Transfer function and linearization of nonlinear processes. Empirical modeling for first and second order processes with time delay using step response data. Empirical modeling using frequency response data. PID and digital PID control. Controller design using direct synthesis method and internal model control. PID tuning. Feedforward control. Multivariable processes.

Pre-Requisites: EE380

Introduction (Classification of sensors and actuators, sensing and actuating strategies, general requirements for interfacing and actuation, sensing, transduction, actuation). Performance Characteristics of Sensors and Actuators. Different types of pf sensors: Optical sensors, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Sensors, and Actuators, Mechanical Sensors, Acoustic Sensors and Actuators, Chemical sensors, Radiation Sensors, MEMs (Micro-Electro-Mechanical) Sensors, and Smart Sensors. Interfacing Methods and Circuits. Interfacing with microcontrollers.

Pre-Requisites: EE303

Introduction to microfabrication techniques (photolithography, etching, deposition, thermal processes, etc.). Introduction to CMOS technology and its manufacturing from older to current technologies, including challenges and future developments. Introduction to Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS), Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials. Emerging technologies (Flexible/Stretchable electronics, Energy Micro- and Nano-harvesters).

Pre-Requisites: EE203 Or EE234 Or EE236

Review the physics and operation of several ambient energy harvesters such as photovoltaic cells (PV), thermoelectric generators (TEGs), piezoelectric cantilevers (PZTs) and electromagnetic generators. Circuit models for PV, TEG, PZT and RF harvesters. Power management circuit (PMC) design for energy harvesting using boost/buck converters and low power rectifiers. Self-starting Dickson voltage multiplier. Impedance matching and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) principle. Applications of energy harvesting.

Pre-Requisites: EE303

Introduction to microfabrication and characterization techniques (photolithography, etching, deposition, thermal processes, SEM, TEM, AFM, XRD). CMOS manufacturing from old to current technologies. Introduction to Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) and BioMEMS. Biosensors’ fundamentals and applications. Nanotechnology and Bio-nanotechnology. Emerging technologies in Bioelectronics (Wearable electronics for Healthcare applications, Microbial Fuel Cells, etc.).

Tx and Rx architectures, RF link and RF budget, Noise analysis, Linearity analysis, System level design, Microwave measurements for transmitters characterization, CAD tools with application to system level design and analysis, Linear amplifier design (power and LNA), Design case studies

Pre-Requisites: EE340

Power Switches (SCRs, Diacs, Triacs and IGBT) and Triggering Devices (UJT and PUT). Operational Amplifiers, Instrumentation Amplifier, Comparator, and Opamp Applications. Timers and Oscillators. Industrial Rectifier Circuits and applications. Power Inverters and DC-To-DC Converters. Motor Control Devices (DC Motors Types, DC Drives, and Stepper Motors). Programmable Logic Controllers: The structure of programmable logic controllers: I/O, relays, counters and timers. Ladder diagram concepts. PLC's intermediate and advanced functions. PLC's industrial applications in the process control.

Pre-Requisites: EE303

Basic concepts of microcontrollers. The structure of programmable logic controllers: I/O, relays, counters and timers. Ladder diagram concepts. PLC’s intermediate and advanced functions. PLC’s data sets and data manipulations. PLC’s industrial applications in the process control. Concepts of PLC’s communications.

Functional blocks of analog communication systems. Design of mixers, converters, RF and IF amplifiers, AM detectors, and FM discriminators. Functional blocks of monochrome TV receivers. Design of video IF amplifiers, video amplifiers, sync. separators, horizontal and vertical oscillators and AFC. Functional blocks of color TV receivers. Color signal representation and processing.

Functional blocks of digital communication systems: PAM, PWM, PPM, and PCM. Design of S/H circuits, A/D and D/A converters, and timing (clock generator) circuits. Circuit design using PLL, VCO, and multipliers. Design of PAM, PPM, PWM and PCM transmitters and detectors. Special circuits for phase shift keying.

Pre-Requisites: EE303 And EE370

Energy-chain analysis of hydrogen and its competing alternative fuels for transport. Hydrogen mobility powertrain, efficiency, and storage. Fundamentals of optimization and economic analysis. Hydrogen and renewable energy. Large-scale hydrogen storage and its interactions with electric power infrastructure. Fuel cells as distributed energy resources in a smart energy grid.

Pre-Requisites: CHE303 Or ME204

Fundamental principles, concepts, contexts, issues, applications and future developments of energy efficiency and demand side management (DSM). Benefits of energy efficiency and DSM. Energy economics and markets. Efficiency of generation, transmission and distribution systems. Energy efficiency policies, standards and regulations. International practices in energy efficiency and demand side management. Future sustainable energy systems and smart grids.

Pre-Requisites: EE202 Or EE204 Or EE234 Or EE201

Power electronic devices. DC and AC power electronics converters. Fundamental of power quality and system harmonics effects and mitigation. Power quality standards.

Pre-Requisites: EE360

Smart Grids Fundamentals and Components, Smart grid Control and Automation Technologies, Power Electronics and Energy Storage, Information and Communication Technologies, Demand Side Management, Energy Efficiency, Overview of Typical Pilot Projects in the World.

Pre-Requisites: EE201 Or EE204 Or EE234 Or EE236

Dynamics of Electrical drives; Steady state and dynamics of DC motors; speed control of DC motor; breaking of DC motors; Steady state and dynamic analysis of Induction machine (IM); Starting, speed control and breaking of IM; Steady state and dynamics of synchronous machines; special machines control and applications.

Pre-Requisites: EE360 And EE380

The basic concepts: representation, equivalent circuits. Per unit system. Power flow analysis. Short circuit analysis. Stability Analysis. Use of power system simulation packages.

Pre-Requisites: EE360

Introduction to High Voltage Engineering, Generation of testing voltages. Impulse voltages and currents, High Voltage measurements. High Voltage insulation. Electric fields and electric breakdown. Pollution and flashover studies; High Voltage Insulators. Circuit breakers. Lightning protection systems; Switchgears. Industrial applications.

Pre-Requisites: EE360

Transmission line parameters and modeling; Transmission line Steady State analysis; Transient Operations of transmission lines; Introduction to Direct Current transmission line; Fundamentals of distribution systems; Load characteristics; Design of distribution systems.

Pre-Requisites: EE360

Introduction to power system fault calculations. Introduction to protective relaying. Relay operating principles. Current and potential transformers. Differential protection of generators, motors, transformers, and busbars. Overcurrent, distance and pilot protection of transmission lines. Digital relays. Relay coordination.

Pre-Requisites: EE360

Short and long term demand forecasting. Expansion of generation and transmission systems. power generation cost, economic dispatch and unit commitment. Power system state estimation. Load frequency control.

Pre-Requisites: EE360

Energy Conversion; Electric energy from renewable sources: Hydro-electric, Solar, Wind, Fuel cells, Geothermal, Biomass, Tidal power plants; Energy storage; Renewable energy sources integration; Design of standalone and integrated systems.

Pre-Requisites: EE202 Or EE204 Or EE234 Or EE201

Introduction to reactor physics, radioactivity, radioactive materials, fission and fusion reactions, radiation detection, kinematics, nuclear fuel cycle, reactor design and dynamics, reactor technology with particular emphasis of power generation, nuclear power plants, industrial and medical applications of nuclear science, waste disposal, safety and socio-economic factors.

Pre-Requisites: EE360

Optical processes in semiconductors. Spontaneous and induced transitions. Absorption and amplification of radiation. Atomic susceptibility. Semiconductor lasers. Operating principles and practical device features. Rate equations. Gain saturation. Feedback. Coherent optical oscillation. Laser resonators. Properties of laser light. Materials and heterostructures. Fabry-Perot lasers. Mode locking. Q-switching. Modulation and bandwidth. Light emitting diodes. Optical detectors, pn, and pin, schottky and avalanche diodes, Solar Cells. Photoconductive detectors.

Pre-Requisites: (PHYS305 Or EE340) And EE203

Experiments: Internetworking Basics, Devices & Models. Configuration of TCP/IP Parameters & Troubleshooting Network Connectivity using DOS Networking Utilities & Lab Safety, IP Addressing & Subnetting: Establishing Elementary Networks using Hubs, Switches, and Routers, Data Traffic Capture & Protocols Analysis Design of Simple & Complex Networks, Establishing Wireless LAN (WLAN) using WAP & Point-to-Point WAN Link using Wireless Bridges, Access Methods, Configuration & Monitoring of Layer-2 Switches, Configuration of Routers and Establishing Routed Networks, Understanding Dynamic Routing Protocols. Connecting networks using two or more routers through RIP protocol, Real-World Networking Equipment & Servers. Introduction to Voice Switches & Inter-System Links.

Pre-Requisites: EE400*

Co-Requisites: EE 400

Experiments: Introduction to EM Software Packages, Simulation Software for High Frequency Structures, Coaxial Slotted Line and Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) Measurements, Impedance and Admittance Measurements, Transmission Line Stub Matching using “CAEME” Software, Waveguide wavelength, SWR and Impedance Measurements, Characteristics of Microwave Directional Coupler and Magic-Tee, Characteristics of Microwave Phase-Shifters, Measurement of return loss, reflection coefficient and voltage standing ration of Microstrip lines and Characteristic of Microstrip Low pass Filter (using Network analyzer).

Pre-Requisites: EE405*

Co-Requisites: EE 405

Experiments: Introduction to software packages (CAEME & HFSS), Transmission line analysis using ‘CAEME/HFSS’ software, Measurement of return loss, reflection coefficient and VSWR, Transmission line Stub matching using ‘CAEME/HFSS’ software, Impedance measurements and microstrip matching networks, Insertion loss characteristics of microstrip low pass filter, Properties of a microstrip directional coupler, Properties of a Wilkinson power divider and hybrid ring couple, DC biasing and microwave amplifiers, Microwave radio link and antennas and Project.

Pre-Requisites: EE407*

Co-Requisites: EE 407

Experiments: Optical Power Measurements, The HeNe Laser Intensity Profile: Theory and Experimental Verification, Light Polarization and Focal Length of Thin Lenses, Determination of the Acceptance Angle and Numerical Aperture of Optical Fiber, Light Coupling to Multimode Graded Index Fibers, Fiber Misalignment Loss Measurement, Fiber Splicing and Introduction to the OTDR, OTDR Measurement of Fiber Length, Attenuation and Splice Loss, Characteristics of the Light Emitting Diode and Characteristics of the Photodiode.

Pre-Requisites: EE420*

Co-Requisites: EE 420

Experiments: Introduction to the Antenna Measurements Laboratory, Getting Started with the USRP system, HFSS Numerical Tool, Dipole Antenna, Yagi or Wave Channel Antenna, Helical Antenna, Horn Antenna, Parabolic Antenna and PID tuning using Zeigler-Nichols method.

Pre-Requisites: EE422*

Co-Requisites: EE 422

Experiments: Analysis with MATLAB, Sample/Hold unit with zero-order hold, Simulink Primer, Matlab Simulation of Digital Control Systems, Sampled-data Servo Control System, Performance of a Digital PID Controller, Pole Placement Controller Implementation, Discretization of Continuous-time State Space Equations, Digital Servo Workshop, Digital Pendulum Control System and Magnetic Levitation System.

Pre-Requisites: EE432* And EE381

Co-Requisites: EE 432

Experiments: Simulation of a Stirred Tank Process Using SIMULINK, Simulation of Linearized and Nonlinear Stirred Tank Process Using SIMULINK, Empirical Modeling of First Order Pressure Process, Frequency Response Modeling of a Pressure Process, PI Control of a Level Process, PID Control of a Level Process, and PID Controller Tuning for a Pressure Process.

Pre-Requisites: EE433*

Co-Requisites: EE 433

Experiments: Introduction to LabVIEW, Data Acquisition using Ni-DAQ, Temperature measurement using RTD, LabVIEW based temperature measurements and control using LM35, Optical sensors (LDR, Photo-diode and Opto-coupler), PWM using capacitive sensors with 555 timer, Magnetic sensors (Hall effect and reed switch) and Measurement System project.

Pre-Requisites: EE304 And EE434*

Co-Requisites: EE 434

Experiments: Lab Safety and Introduction to Lab Equipment, Instrumentation Amplifier, 555 Timer Industrial Applications, SCR and UJT Simulation, Light Dimmers and Motor Speed Control, UJT and SCR Relaxation and Sinusoidal Oscillators, Voltage Regulators, DC-DC Converters, Siemens Trainer System HW Configuration, Boolean Operation and Timers with Applications, PLC Programming Applications and LabVIEW and GPIB interface (Demo).

Pre-Requisites: EE304 And EE445*

Co-Requisites: EE 445

Experiments: Square Wave (clock) generator, Square Wave (clock) generator using logic gates, Simple N-to-1 channel analog multiplexer, 555 Timer Applications (Clock), 555 Timer Applications (timer), Pulse width modulation, Frequency to voltage and voltage to frequency converter, Binary ladder D/A converter, discrete phase locked loop and Phase locked loop applications in FSK systems.

Pre-Requisites: EE304 And EE456*

Co-Requisites: EE 456

Experiments: introduction to MATLAB simulation applied to half-wave rectifiers, introduction to Cassy and hardware equipment applied to half-wave rectifiers, Three-phase bridge rectifier, Single-phase controlled bridge rectifier, Three-phase controlled bridge rectifier, Single-phase AC voltage controller, DC-DC converters, Buck/Boost Converters, Single-phase voltage source inverter, and Three-phase voltage source inverter (Matlab).

Pre-Requisites: EE361 And EE460*

Co-Requisites: EE 460

Experiments: Parallel Operation of Three Phase Synchronous Generators & Lab Safety Measures and Guidelines, Slip Test for Determining Direct and Quadrature Axis Reactance of Synchronous Machines, V-Curve Characteristics of a Synchronous Motor, Effect of Rotor Resistance on Torque Speed Characteristics of Induction Motors, Parameter Identification of a Separately Excited DC Motor, PI Speed Controller Design for a Separately Excited DC Motor, PI Controller Implementation of a Separately Excited DC Motor, Performance of Universal Motors, Single Phase Induction Motor Characteristics and Tutorial on the Recent Variable Speed Industrial Drive Systems.

Pre-Requisites: EE361

Experiments: Fault studies in different circuit topologies, Measuring instruments: current transformer and voltage transformer, Transmission line protection, Generator protection, Motor protection, Transformer protection, and Coordination studies.

Pre-Requisites: EE361 And EE466*

Co-Requisites: EE 466

Experiments: Photovoltaic I-V and P-V Characteristics, Power Electronics Converters used with Renewable Energy (AC/DC, DC/AC, and DC/DC buck, boost, buck-boost, and bidirectional), Maximum power point tracking and Wind Generator Characteristics.

Pre-Requisites: EE361 And EE468*

Co-Requisites: EE 468

Experiments: Introduction to Machine Learning (ML), and Python programming language. Concepts of classical and contemporary ML approaches including deep learning. Fundamentals of using ML and deep learning frameworks in Python (TensorFlow, Keras, etc.). Applications of DSP and different ML algorithms in speech, image processing, seismic processing, and medical signal processing. Implementation of the above-mentioned problems applied to the analysis of real signals.

Pre-Requisites: EE413*

Co-Requisites: EE 413

The contents of this course will be in the areas of interest in electrical engineering. The specific contents of the course will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered. Prerequisite: Senior Standing or Consent of the Instructor

The contents of this course will be in the areas of interest in electrical engineering. The specific contents of the course will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered. Prerequisite: Senior Standing or Consent of the Instructor

The contents of this course will be in the areas of interest in electrical engineering. The specific contents of the course will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered. Prerequisite: Senior Standing or Consent of the Instructor

This course is an independent research course for students undertaking the CX in undergraduate research. An undergraduate thesis is a substantive piece of research-oriented creative work demonstrating mastery over the discourse of one semester in professional field. A thesis requires students to formulate the main hypothesis and research questions, maintain research integrity and be aware of research misconducts, and acquire skills of identifying research gaps in literature. Students will develop their scientific writing skills to report their preliminary research findings in a research proposal. Such proposal must be planned and completed under the supervision of a faculty (advisor) and, at the advisor’s discretion and department approval, may be reviewed by an additional co-advisor. Student will have to present to a committee his/her research plan and hypothesis in the thesis proposal.

This is an independent research course focused on making research contributions and presenting the results in a thesis for students undertaking the CX in undergraduate research. In this course, students will refine their thesis proposal in previous thesis course and work closely with the advisor to demonstrate their research findings over one semester in a professional field. This requires students to ensure the novelty and originality of the idea, conduct extensive research to validate the main hypothesis and research questions, and have the skills needed to write the thesis and prepare the research results for the proper venue for possible publication. Students will learn to develop their professional communication skills to defend their thesis in front of an independent scientific committee and possibly to deliver speech in a research symposia

This course provides a practical introduction to research methodologies and research communities. Students in the course learn about the nature of applied research and the iterative process of research writing. The course teaches students how to work in a mentor-mentee relationship with a KFUPM faculty advisor, post graduate fellows, and graduate students. The course helps students to identify a study topic, organize a literature review, and select appropriate research methodologies. By the end of the course, students will complete a technical paper that includes an introduction, problem statement (significance of study), literature review, methods section, results and analysis, and references findings, discussion, conclusions, and references. Students will be encouraged to participate in conferences and present their work. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instruction

The contents of this course will be in the areas of interest in electrical engineering. The specific contents will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered. Prerequisite: Senior Standing or Consent of the Instructor

The contents of this course will be in the areas of interest in electrical engineering. The specific contents will be given in detail at least one semester in advance of that in which it is offered. Prerequisite: Senior Standing or Consent of the Instructor