Fundamentals related to environmental pollution sources and effects; ecology and environment; sustainable practices for environmental protection; water and wastewater management; ambient air quality and Process Air Pollution Control; modern practices in solid waste management and recycling; industrial hazardous wastes management; noise, marine and nuclear related pollution issues.
Introduction to professional environmental engineering laboratory practices; Bench scale experiments related to environmental engineering operations and processes including chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, adsorption, precipitation, coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation (Types I & II), water softening, and ion exchange.
Pre-Requisites: CHEM 101
A continuous period of eight weeks of summer working in the industry to gain exposure and appreciation of the environmental science and engineering profession. On-the-job training can be acquired in one of the specialties of environmental science and engineering. The student is required to write a brief report about his industrial experience. The report should emphasize duties assigned and completed by the student.
Pre-Requisites: ENGL 214
This is the first part of the capstone design course. Students form teams to design a system on their own that relates to environmental science and engineering related issues. Students collect all the relevant design information under the guidance of a senior faculty.
This is the second part of the environmental science and engineering capsone design project; a comprehensive design experience through a coherent study of all applicable principles, strategies and methodologies of design; Use of appropriate factors such as alternative designs, economic feasibility and social and environmental impacts.
Pre-Requisites: ESE 411
Water quality regulations and water treatment including turbidity control, hardness reduction, and disinfection; Introduction to wastewater reuse; Wastewater treatment including preliminary, primary, secondary and advanced treatment operations and processes for reuse purpose including case studies.
Integrated municipal solid waste management practices including characterization of municipal solid wastes and modern practices in waste resource recovery, recycling, composting, incineration, and landfill design. Industrial hazardous waste management including regulations, environmental audit, pollution prevention, reduce/recover/recycle concepts, risk assessment, and treatment.
This course is an independent research course for students undertaking the CX in undergraduate research. An undergraduate thesis is a substantive piece of research-oriented creative work demonstrating mastery over the discourse of one semester in professional field. A thesis requires students to formulate the main hypothesis and research questions, maintain research integrity and be aware of research misconducts, and acquire skills of identifying research gaps in literature. Students will develop their scientific writing skills to report their preliminary research findings in a research proposal. Such proposal must be planned and completed under the supervision of a faculty (advisor) and, at the advisor’s discretion and department approval, may be reviewed by an additional co-advisor. Student will have to present to a committee his/her research plan and hypothesis in the thesis proposal.
This is an independent research course focused on making research contributions and presenting the results in a thesis for students undertaking the CX in undergraduate research. In this course, students will refine their thesis proposal in previous thesis course and work closely with the advisor to demonstrate their research findings over one semester in a professional field. This requires students to ensure the novelty and originality of the idea, conduct extensive research to validate the main hypothesis and research questions, and have the skills needed to write the thesis and prepare the research results for the proper venue for possible publication. Students will learn to develop their professional communication skills to defend their thesis in front of an independent scientific committee and possibly to deliver speech in a research symposia.
Pre-Requisites: ESE 494