Undergraduate Courses

Management Information Systems

Introduction to business computing concepts. Topics include business applications and problem solving using high-level programming languages; development of web-based and mobile applications; use of business software with emphasis on database queries and reports; spreadsheet and financial and statistical functions. Concepts are reinforced through practical exercises from real world domains.

Introduction to computer components. Hands-on exposure to PC-based applications including word processing, spreadsheet, statistics, database, electronic mail, business graphics, and introduction to internet.Suggested lab work (Closed Lab)Programming assignments to exercise the use of various tools taught in the course. Thismay include solving business problems and/or implementing mini-projects. Theseincludespreadsheet, data base, and statistical tools. Mainly, students will use MS Officesoftware.

Information systems concepts and principles with managerial emphasis. Information systems for operational, tactical and top management. Strategic impact of technologies on organizations

Pre-Requisites: MIS101 Or ICS102

Information systems concepts with management focus. Information systems types. Role of IS in managerial decision making. Use of IS for competitive advantage. Impact of IS on business and society. Hands-on experience with selected applications software

Pre-Requisites: ICS104

E-Commerce fundamentals; E-Commerce business models; infrastructure; electronic payment systems and E-commerce security; Development, implementation, marketing and managing E-Commerce applications. Benefits and limitations, legal, ethical and global issues.

Pre-Requisites: MIS215 Or ICS102 Or MIS250

Examining the design of information systems from a problem-solving perspective. Providing a methodological approach to developing computer systems including feasibility studies, systems planning, analysis, design, testing, implementation, and maintenance. Emphasis is on the strategies and techniques of systems analysis and design for producing logical methodologies for dealing with complexity in the development of information systems

Pre-Requisites: MIS215 Or MIS250

Introductions to Computers and Programming, Processing Data, Making Decisions, Algorithm Development and Control Statements, Classes, Objects, Methods, Variables, Arrays, Object-Oriented Design Principles, Event-Driven Programming, User Interface Programming, User Interface Controls, Functional Programming, Data Binding and Database Access, Inheritance and Polymorphism, Collections, Exception Handling and Debugging, Cross Platform Application Development.

Pre-Requisites: ICS102 Or ICS104

Data resource management concepts. Database support for various levels of management. Relational database model. Database life cycle. Conceptual data modeling. Database logical and physical design. Database integrity. Database languages and technologies. Data and database administration.

Pre-Requisites: ICS102 Or ICS104

Innovations in information systems, including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, IoT, blockchain technology and machine learning. Use of emerging technologies in business organizations as well the industry; implementations of emerging technologies from different stakeholders’ perspectives.

Pre-Requisites: MIS215 Or MIS250

Introduction to Knowledge Management (KM) – Knowledge Management (KM) to gain competitive advantage. KM for innovation, KM’s emerging systems (Enterprise 2.0, Semantic Web), E-Knowledge Management.KM Development Methods.

Pre-Requisites: MIS215

Introduction to Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS): Strategic role of Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) in the effective management of organizations, HRIS capabilities and limitations, Organizational needs for HRIS, Evaluation and selection factors of an appropriate HRIS, HRIS software application packages for management decision-making. Role of HRIS in current Information Technology topics (Internet, Privacy, Security).

Pre-Requisites: MIS215

Introduction and scope to business data analytics. Topics include data pre-processing, use of analytical methods, multidimensionality of data, knowledge discovery, data visualization, application of business analytics tools, descriptive analytics, and application of decision support and intelligent systems.

Pre-Requisites: (MIS215 Or MIS250) And (STAT212 Or STAT214)

Impact of IT on individuals, organizations, society, and quality of life. Social and ethical considerations. Computer and Internet crimes. Intellectual property rights. Risks of IT. Human computer interaction. Data protection. National and international legal environment of IT.E-Government issues. Health and work hazards related to IT.

Pre-Requisites: MIS215

Beginning of coop in summer. Description as given in MIS 351.

Twenty-eight weeks of practical training in MIS or related area in a selected organization. The training program must be approved and the student's progress during his co-op period must be monitored. The student is expected to write a co-op report addressing a business problem related to his coop experience under the supervision of a faculty member in accordance with university regulations.

End of coop in summer. Description as given in MIS 351.

Architecture, setup, configuration, operations and management of system that is of "enterprise class". Fundamentals of business process and business process re-engineering concepts. Selection, process mapping, GAP analysis, and implementation of enterprise systems. Enterprise modules and decision analysis tools. Use of project management techniques to emphasize team dynamics and management skills.

Pre-Requisites: MIS215

Introduction to Blockchain fundamentals and history, applications of Blockchain transactions in business operations, impact of Blockchain in adding value and increased efficiency to commercial operations and models, risks and governance of Blockchain, and future trends of Blockchain in business.

Pre-Requisites: MIS215 Or MIS250

Factors related to both people interaction with technology, and the ways of technology effects on humans’ performance. An introduction to human related to the design of information systems. Emphasis on the human component of human-computer interaction (HCI), and the process of user-centered design and evaluation. Develop knowledge and skills of creating enhanced human-computer interfaces and user-computer interaction designs.

Introduce important aspects of IS security, with the focus on common threats to IS and ways to prevent security breaches or information loss. Topics cover techniques, methods, and strategies used by information security professionals to manage security breaches and threats. Overview of information security and managerial methods of analyzing security threats, authentication, cryptography, and web, database and network security methods.

The foundation of digital innovation, Digital transformation and its impact on business, including digital threats, opportunities, and disruption; digital business models, emerging technologies, resources and capabilities required for digital transformation; the role of leadership in digital transformation, and data and digital governance.

The MIS Internship provides the student with the opportunity to gain valuable practical business experience and insights in an organizational environment for a continuous period of 16 weeks to explore career interests while applying knowledge competency, and skills learnt in the classroom. The internship performance and responsibilities are evaluated by a faculty Internship advisor and a work-site supervisor through student’s submission of progress reports, employer’s feedback, final report, and presentation. Prerequisite: ENGL 214, MIS 311, CGPA and MGPA of 2.0 or above, at least 85 credit hours

Pre-Requisites: ENGL214 And MIS311 And MIS301

The MIS Summer Training provides the student with the opportunity to gain valuable practical business experience and insights in an organizational environment for a continuous period of' 8 weeks to explore career interests while applying knowledge competency, and skills learnt in the classroom. Students are required to submit a report and make a presentation on their summer training experience and the knowledge gained.

Apply conceptual knowledge and technical skills of Digital Business / E-Commerce to a digital business initiative. Team based project course with lecture and labs sessions covering the topics on digital entrepreneurship, digital business applications, current trends in mobile and digital commerce. Design and operate a digital business Enhance the skills set of the students and prepare them for the knowledge economy. Prerequisite: MIS 300 or consent of the instructor

Pre-Requisites: MIS300

Development of computerized business systems using CASE tools, DBMS, 4GL and/or application generators. Project management techniques. Emphasis on back-end phases of SDLC. Team projects to develop real business systems.


Information Systems Project management fundamentals and strategies. Examine the application and integration of the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK). Focus on project management processes, methods, techniques, tools and implementation issues for defining and managing the project’s goal, scope, schedule, and budget.

Pre-Requisites: MIS301 And MIS311

Introduction to Management Support Systems (MSS): Decision Support Systems, Collaborative Work Systems, Executive Support Systems, Expert Systems, and Neural Networks. Impact of MSS on decision making. Exposure to MSS tools and development methods. Integration of MSS. Team projects to develop MSS.

Pre-Requisites: MIS311

Multi-tier application architecture concepts and technologies. Advanced SQL including procedural, embedded SQL, client-side and server-side SQL. Transaction management, consider multi-user system including concurrency control and security. Advanced database concepts including distributed and object-oriented databases, and data warehouse. Database application implementation issues Special emphasis is on development of client/server database applications.

Comprehensive overview of Computer Supported Collaborative Work (CSCW),Group Dynamics, Collaboration Architectures, Groupware and Group Tools, Asynchronous and Synchronous Collaboration, Video in Collaboration, Web-based Collaboration, Collaborative Virtual Environments, Facilitation and leadership, Integration with other computerized systems, Exposure to literature and cases and Team-based projects.

Auditing of computer-based information systems. Audit environment and information systems controls. Theory of internal control and application of audit procedures in a computerized environment. Techniques for evaluating applications, data integrity, general operations, security, systems software and maintenance.

Fundamentals of managing End User Computing (EUC) activities and resources. Technological, organizational, and behavioral issues related to EUC. Potential benefits, growth, problems and risks. Use of information center to promote, support, control, and manage EUC.

Fundamentals of data science and analytics. The use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis to inform business decisions and actions. Topics include classification analysis, multi-criteria decision making, logistic regression, naïve Bayes, nearest neighbors, association rules, neural network and recommender systems. Application of data analytics to different business problems.

Pre-Requisites: MIS341



Theories and practices in the management of organizational information systems resources. Frameworks for introduction, evolution and assimilation of information systems into an organization. Align IT strategy with business strategy. Roles of IT and people using, developing. Managing systems. Global concepts of IT. Societal and ethical issues.

Coverage of the contemporary and advanced MIS topics such as data management, information processing, decision making, social implications of IT, and emerging technologies.

Coverage of the contemporary and advanced MIS topics such as data management, information processing, decision making, social implications of IT, and emerging technologies.