Undergraduate Courses

Operations Management

Frequency tables; histogram; measures of central tendency and dispersion; correlations as a descriptive measure; probability theory; sampling; probability descriptions; estimation and confidence intervals; applications for managerial decisions

Hypothesis testing for means and variances; index numbers and time series; linear simple and multiple regression and correlation analysis; the chi-squared and F distributions and their applications.

Production systems; capacity and facility location problems; layout planning; forecasting; production scheduling and control; inventory and quality control.

Pre-Requisites: STAT 211 Or OM 201 Or STAT 214

Decisions theory, linear programming, simplex method and duality. Inventory control under certain and uncertain demand. Network models including traveling salesman problem, maximal flow problem, and PERT/CPM networks

Pre-Requisites: OM 210

Introduction to business analytics. Decisions theory, linear programming, simplex method and duality, integer programming, goal programming, network models, maximal flow problem, simulation and sensitivity analyses. Emphasis on using spreadsheet modeling in solving problems. Introduction of data mining and its application for decision-making.

Pre-Requisites: OM 202 Or STAT 212 Or STAT 214

Foundations of Supply Chain Management (SCM) and its role in the operations of the organization. SCM strategies, order fulfillment, demand forecasting, inventory management, logistics, facility location, network design, sourcing, supplier relationship management, and global supply chain management. In addition, the course addresses developments in Supply Chain Management, such as optimization, Lean, and integration.

Pre-Requisites: MGT 301 And OM 210

Purchasing and Supply Management, Supply organization and strategy, Make or Buy decisions, Insourcing and Outsourcing, Needs Identification, Specification and Standardization, Quality, Inventory and Delivery Issues, Price and Cost Analysis, Cost Management, Sourcing , Supplier Selection and Evaluation, Contracting, Negotiations, Types of Compensation, Supplier Relationships, Global Supply Management, Legal and Ethical Considerations, Evaluation of the Supply Function and Trends, Supply Management Integration.

Purpose of Inventory, Inventory Costs, Types of Stock, Electronic Data Interchange, Automatic Identification Systems, Inventory Performance Ratios and Analysis, Forecasting, Planning and Replenishment, Inventory Control Models, Economic Order Quantity, Material Requirements Planning, Enterprise Resource Planning, Cycle Counting, A-B-C Analysis, Just In Time System, The Bullwhip Effect. Types of Warehouses, Quantitative Methods for Warehouse Location and Layout Design, Material Flow Planning, Cross-Docking and other New Warehouse Functions.

Pre-Requisites: OM 210

Function of Logistics and Transportation in Supply Chains, Global Supply Chains, Responsive Supply Chains, Lead-Time Management, Just-in Time Systems, Network Design, Transportation models, Classification of Freight, Shipping Documentation, Packaging and Handling Issues, Measuring Logistics Costs and Performance, Service Logistics, Managing Risk in the Supply Chain, Revise Logistics, Closed-Loop Supply Chains, Green Logistics, Sustainable Supply Chains, Logistics Information Systems and Technologies

Pre-Requisites: OM 210

Facilities location and design. Job design, line balancing, aggregate planning, project planning, project management, operations, scheduling, inventory management.

Pre-Requisites: OM 210 And OM 311

Analysis and design of quality control systems and procedures. Topics to include inspection policies, sampling, reliability engineering, and product testing.

Pre-Requisites: STAT 211 Or OM 201

Integer programming, dynamic programming, simulation, queuing theory, Markov process.

Pre-Requisites: OM 311

The course will develop an overarching understanding about sourcing or procurement function. The course will cover several topics such as purchasing process, policies and procedures, supply management and the competitive advantage, suppliers’ management and evaluation, global sourcing, cost management, negotiation conflict management, and purchasing services. Some case studies and articles will be discussed too.

Pre-Requisites: OM 210

This course is about managing materials and information flows throughout the supply chain. Several topics will be covered in this course such as lean logistics, customers accommodation, market distribution strategy, manufacturing strategy, ERP and execution systems, inventory management and strategy, transportation management, warehousing, packaging and materials handling, network integration, performance and financial assessment, operational integration.

Pre-Requisites: OM 210

This course is about Supply Chain Management (SCM) and its role in any organization. Topics covered: SCM strategies, supply chain drivers, transportation, sourcing, distribution networks, global supply chain management, sustainability and coordination in the supply chain. Different case studies will be discussed in this course.

Pre-Requisites: OM 210