Graduate Courses

Computer Science & Engg. (PhD)

Types of computer networks: LANs, VLANs, and WANs. Routing algorithms and routing protocols. The network development life cycle. Network analysis and design methodology. Network design issues: Manageability; Node placement and sizing; Link topology and sizing; Routing; Reliability. Data in support of network design. Structured enterprise network design. Hierarchical tree network design: Terminal assignment; Concentrator location. Mesh topology optimization. Traffic flow analysis. Analysis of loss and delay in networks. Network reliability issues. Prerequisite: (COE 540 and (ICS 353 or Equivalent)) or Consent of Instructor.

Pre-Requisites: COE540 Or COE540 Or ICS570 Or ICS570

Principles and practice of network and internetwork security. Mathematical principles of cryptography and data security. Conventional and modern crypto systems. Secure communication protocols. Authentication and Digital Signatures. Secure IP and SSL. Modern applications like digital cash and secure distributed computing. Operational aspects of computer and network security. Prerequisite: (COE 540 and Good Math Background) or Consent of Instructor.

Pre-Requisites: COE540 Or COE540

Management Protocols. Remote Management. Configuration for Data Collection. Monitoring and Reconfiguration. Operational Issues in Managing Heterogeneous Networks under Different Operating Systems. Prerequisite: (COE 540 and (ICS 431 or Equivalent)) or Consent of Instructor.

Pre-Requisites: COE540 Or COE540 Or ICS570 Or ICS570 Or EE674 Or EE674

Fundamental concepts in the theory of reliable computer systems design. Hardware and software reliability techniques. Evaluation of fault-tolerant computer communication systems. The practices of reliable system design. Case studies. Fault-tolerant topology design. Computer networks reliability and fault-tolerance. Fault tolerant high-speed networks. Prerequisite: (COE 540 and (ICS 431 or Equivalent)) or Consent of Instructor.

Pre-Requisites: COE540 Or COE540

Modeling. General concepts. Performance measures. Performance evaluation techniques. Model Validation. Introduction to Queuing Networks and Stochastic Processes. Simulation. The modeling cycle. Queuing network modeling. Flow analysis. Bottleneck analysis. Hierarchical modeling. Introduction to Analysis driven Design. Case studies with applications to different aspects of computer network systems. Prerequisite: COE 540 or Consent of Instructor.

Pre-Requisites: COE540 Or COE540

Protocols and languages. Protocol structure. Structured protocol design. Fundamentals of Protocol Engineering. Specification and modeling. State Machines and Reachability Analysis. Formulation of desirable properties of protocols. Formal Logic and Deduction. Verification techniques. Formal description languages. Protocol synthesis. Protocol Design. Validation and conformance testing. Computer aided design tools for protocol engineering (simulation and validation tools). A major project involving comprehensive design and verification of a non-trivial protocol. Prerequisite: (COE 540 and (ICS 252 or Equivalent)) or Consent of Instructor.

Pre-Requisites: COE540 Or COE540

State of art topics from the areas of various computer network design and management, security and reliability. Prerequisite: Consent of Instructor.


Approximation algorithms to combinatorial problems like scheduling, bin-packing, knapsack, vertex cover, TSP, clique partitioning, graph compression, Steiner problem on networks. Randomized algorithms: Monte-Carlo, Las-Vegas, and simulated annealing, Genetic algorithms. Graph matching and applications. Network flows and applications. Prerequisite: ICS 553 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS553 Or ICS553

Representation and generation of combinatorial objects. Searching: exhaustive search and its approximations and fast search techniques. Sorting and related problems. Graph algorithms. Greedy method and the theory of materials. NPHard and NP-Complete combinatorial problems. Prerequisite: ICS 554 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS554 Or ICS554

Computational complexity. Time-space complexities. Speedup, hierarchy theorems. Time-Space Tradeoff. Translational Lemmas. Gap and Union theorems. Intractable problems - polynomial time space. Theory of NP-Completeness - Classes, P, NP, Co-NP, PSPACE. Poly-Time and Log-Space transformations. Proof techniques for establishing NP-Completeness. Turing Reducibilities and polynomial hierarchy. Using NP-Completeness to Analyze problems. NP-Hardness. Introduction to Approximation algorithms to hard problems. Prerequisite: ICS 552 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS552 Or ICS552

Information analysis. Information systems planning. Various approaches to Systems development: Participative, Prototyping, Phenomenological, Evolutionary, etc. Systems development methodologies: Soft systems methodology, information engineering, SSADM, ISAC, etc. Systems development environments. Deliverables. Project management and control. Prerequisite: ICS 513, ICS 514, or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: (ICS513 Or ICS513) And (ICS514 Or ICS514)

Concepts of organizational planning. The Planning process. Computational support for planning. Understanding information systems planning: functions, processes, information groups, subject databases. Information systems planning methodologies. Information needs analysis. Strategic planning of information systems. IS planning for competitive advantages. Students should complete an IS plan real life situation of reasonable complexity as a term project. Prerequisites: ICS 513, ICS 514, or Consent of the Instructor (Students are expected to have sufficient background in Information Systems planning)

Pre-Requisites: (ICS513 Or ICS513) And (ICS514 Or ICS514)

Predicate calculus. Program semantics of guarded commands. Postconditions and specifications. Weakest preconditions. Weakest liberal preconditions. Loop invariants. Termination and non-termination. Partial and total functions. Nondeterminacy. Standard techniques in program derivation. Examples of program derivation. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor

Formal methods for the description of programming languages. Operational, axiomatic and denotational semantics, attribute grammar, two-level grammars. Fixed-point theory of computation. Verification techniques. Prerequisite: ICS 511 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS511 Or ICS511

Program optimization for speed and size. Reducing redundancy. Register allocation optimization. Data flow analysis and code optimization. Fast optimization algorithms. Optimization methods in existing compilers. Optimization problems for special languages. Prerequisite: ICS 512 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS512 Or ICS512

Distributed system architectures and distributed processing. Communication primitives: remote procedure call and message passing methods. Resource sharing. Distributed deadlock management. Naming. Load balancing. Fault tolerance. File service. Protection issues. Design issues. Projects on important aspects of distributed and network operating systems. Case studies. Prerequisite: ICS 571 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS571 Or ICS571

Various Parallel Computation Models, such as: PRAM Models, CRCW, CREW, ERCW, EREW. Simulations of PRAM models. Alternation. Boolean Circuits. Parallel Computation Thesis. Cellular Automata. Parallel Complexity Measures; NC Class. Simulations of Different Parallel Computation Models. Prerequisite: ICS 552 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS552 Or ICS552

Reliability and fault-tolerance of computer networks such as FDDI, double loop, hypercube, multi-stage interconnection network, multiprocessor systems, etc. Reliable and fault-tolerant routing, Reliability evaluation algorithms, Availability and survivability of computer systems, Reliability models of JPL-STAR, FTMP, ESS No. 1, PLURIBUS, etc. Software fault tolerance and reliability. Projects using network reliability evaluation tools such as SYREL, SHARPE and SPNP. Prerequisite: COE 523 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: COE523 Or COE523

Queuing theory. Stochastic Petrinets and Markov Chains. Separable queuing networks. Priority queuing systems. Evaluation studies: monitoring techniques, modeling methods and model validation. Application of queuing theory to computer time-sharing & multi-access systems, multiprocessor systems, interconnection networks. Computer communication networks. Case studies of several distributed and network system configurations. Prerequisite: COE 532, SE 541, or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: (COE532 Or COE532) And (SE541 Or SE541)

Introduction to neural computation. Biological neurons. Fundamental concepts behind various models of neural networks. Functional equivalence and convergence properties of neural network models. Adaptation and learning in neural networks: associative, competitive, inhibitory, and adaptive resonance models of learning. Back-propagation, Hopfield Nets, Boltzmann machines, Cauchy machines, ART, and feature map (Kohonen model). Cognitron and neocognitron. VLSI, optical, and software implementations. Potentials and limitations of neural networks. Applications to vision, speech, motor control and others. Projects. Prerequisite: COE 580 or Consent of the Instructor

Review of issues in robotics programming. In depth study of robotic programming languages. Design and implementation of robotic programming languages and environments. Single and multi-robot environments. Case studies. Project. Prerequisite: COE 552 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: COE552 Or COE552

The physics of vision and its computational modeling. Applications to Robot vision. Image formation and sensing. Basic image processing: edge finding, image segmentation, and texture analysis. Reflectometry: brightness, color and reflectance map. Shape from shading. Photogrammetry and stereo. Motion fields and optic flow. Passive navigation and structure from motion. Active vision. Representations, primer sketch, 2.5-D map, 3D map. Human visual system. Prerequisites: ICS 581, ICS 583, or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: (ICS581 Or ICS581) And (ICS583 Or ICS583)

Mixed base number systems. Negative base arithmetic. Logarithmic based arithmetic. Residue number systems. P-adic numbers. Signed digit arithmetic. Representation of Complex numbers. Relational number arithmetic. Examples. Prerequisite: COE 522 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: COE522 Or COE522

Parallel models of computation. Concept of pipelining at different levels of architecture. Pipelined functional units. Pipelined vector processors. Vectorizing compilers and software. Operating system support for vector scheduling and load balancing. Parallel languages. Parallel algorithms. Concurrentization and vectorization. Prerequisite: ICS 573 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: ICS573 Or ICS573

Impact of VLSI on computer architecture. Mapping algorithms onto array structures: dependency graphs, signal flow graphs. Design and analysis of systolic arrays. Wave front array processors. Retiming and systolicization. Implementation and verification of array processors. Examples. Prerequisite: COE 520 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: COE520 Or COE520

ASIC design methodologies. Programmable ASICS. Field Programmable Gate Arrays: Architecture, Programming technologies, Design parameters and models. FPGA technology mapping techniques, Routing techniques, Placement techniques and Testability. Prerequisite: COE 542 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: COE542 Or COE542

Levels of abstraction: behavioral, structural, and physical levels. Design description. Module generation (functional cell generation, gate matrix layout, PLAs, etc.) and Module optimization. High level synthesis: Intermediate forms (data flow and control flow graphs), Scheduling algorithms, data flow and control flow synthesis, resource allocation, and module binding. Knowledge based and expert system approach to Design Automation. Prerequisite: COE 542 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: COE542 Or COE542

Fault Modeling. Test Generation. Built-in test and Self-test concepts for hierarchical circuit models. Complex microprocessors and semiconductor memories. Prerequisite: COE 545 or Consent of the Instructor

Pre-Requisites: COE545 Or COE545

A specialized topic that may not be broad enough to be offered as a regular course. To be arranged with the instructor. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor

Any state of the art topics or topics of recent interest in any areas in computer science that may not fit well with the description of the previously mentioned courses. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor

Any state of the art topics or topics of recent interest in any areas in computer engineering that may not fit well with the description of the previously mentioned courses. Prerequisite: Consent of the Instructor

PhD students are required to attend departmental seminars delivered by faculty, visiting scholars and graduate students. Additionally, each PhD student should present at least one seminar on a timely research topic. PhD students should pass the comprehensive examination as a part of this course. This course is pre-requisite to registering the PhD dissertation XXX X710. The course is graded as pass or fail.

This course is intended to allow the student to conduct research in advanced problems in his PhD research area. The faculty offering the course should submit a research plan to be approved by the graduate program committee at the academic department. The student is expected to deliver a public seminar and a report on his research outcomes at the end of the course. Prerequisite: prior arrangement with an instructor

This course is intended to allow the student to conduct research in advanced problems in his PhD research area. The faculty offering the course should submit a research plan to be approved by the graduate program committee at the academic department. The student is expected to deliver a public seminar and a report on his research outcomes at the end of the course. Prerequisite: prior arrangement with an instructor

This is intended to document the effort that would have to be put into the original work conducted by a potential Ph.D. aspirant. Prerequisite: Ph.D. Candidacy

Pre-Requisites: CSE699


Pre-Requisites: CSE699*

Co-Requisites: CSE 699


Pre-Requisites: CSE711