Undergraduate Courses


Introduction to the basic concepts and principles of marketing. Focuses on providing students with a conceptual framework for understanding the role of marketing in society and the firm. Topics include the marketing concept, market segmentation, target marketing, demand estimation, product management, channels of distribution, promotion, and pricing.

Pre-Requisites: ENGL102 And BUS200

The basic principles of marketing are introduced. Material covered includes marketing's role in society and the firm, marketing concept, market segmentation and target marketing, market measurement, and the elements of the marketing mix, including product planning, physical distribution, promotion, personal selling, mass selling, and price setting.

Pre-Requisites: ENGL214

Introduction to marketing in an entrepreneurial context. Provides appropriate theories, models and other tools to build key marketing skills and to facilitate improved decision-making in relation to launching and managing an entrepreneurial venture. The course activities include idea generation, new product/service development, business modelling, and marketing plan. This course is open to all majors in the University. Note: Not open for credit to business students

Fundamentals of personal-selling and sales management are introduced. Formulating sales program objectives, establishing a sales organization, assigning sales territories and sales quotas, and its implementation through personnel selection, training, motivation, and compensation are extensively covered. Understanding buying behavior and selling role in marketing strategy. Computerized models of evaluation and control for the sales program are introduced.

The role of advertising and sales promotion in the marketing program is thoroughly examined. Discussions center on the communication process and consumer decision making. Other topics covered include organization of advertising activities, determination of objectives and budgets, creation of the message, selection of media, and evaluation and control of the advertising and sales promotion efforts.

A comprehensive examination of retail operations planning, buyer behavior, and Facilities planning. The course covers store location, store design and layout, staffing, merchandise planning and control, pricing and promotion, credit and other services, and financial management of the retail enterprises.

The course emphasizes the applications of marketing research tools to address marketing management problems. Key topics covered include research design, sampling methods, questionnaire design, field work/use of digital media for data collection, basic data analysis, advanced marketing analytics (linear and multivariate), and effective communication of research results via written reports and oral presentation. A key feature of the course involves students undertaking empirical marketing research projects, which seek to provide relevant recommendations to address managerial problems.

Pre-Requisites: (MKT301 Or MKT250) And MGT355

Beginning of coop in summer. Description as given in MKT 351.

Twenty-eight weeks of practical training in marketing or in a related area in a selected organization. The training program must be approved and the student?s progress during his coop period must be monitored. The student is expected to write a coop report under the supervision of a faculty member in accordance with university regulations.

End of coop in summer. Description as given in MKT 351.

Examination of concepts, tools, and frameworks used in management of the product component of marketing strategy. Topics include formulation of product strategy and policy, brand management, packaging and labeling, product portfolio and life cycle management, and new product development.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Focuses on the promotion aspect of the marketing mix. Discusses the elements of the promotional mix (advertising, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and public relations) and their use in creating synchronized, multi-channel, customer-based communications. Topics include communication theory, setting communication objectives, message planning and evaluation, and choice of communications media.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

It focuses on the process of planning, organizing, and implementing the marketing effort in service organizations. It includes a detailed discussion of the distinctive aspects of services marketing, the development of a framework for understanding and positioning service organization in the marketplace, and the management of demand and customer mix of service organizations.

Examines issues and strategies relating to the distribution of products/services to final consumers or end-users. Both distribution channel management and physical distribution issues are examined. Emphasis is on the role such strategies play in the overall marketing plan. Topics include physical distribution strategies, warehousing and inventory management, distribution channel design, selection, and management, channel conflict, cooperation, and channel control.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Developing new products is at the core of any business organization. New products determine the survival and continued success of any organization. Focuses on identifying market opportunities by understanding customer needs and developing new products that would provide high value to customers. The course addresses the new product development process, including, idea generation, customer needs, new product diffusion, concept generation, concept evaluation and testing, and product launch strategies. The course takes a project based learning approach in creating a new product.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250

The MKT Internship provides the student with the opportunity to gain valuable practical business experience and insights in an organizational environment for a continuous period of 16 weeks to explore career interests while applying knowledge, competency, and skills learned in the classroom. The internship performance and responsibilities are evaluated by a faculty Internship advisor and a work-site supervisor through student’s submission of progress reports, employer’s feedback, final report, and presentation. Prerequisites: MKT 250, and MGT 355, CGPA and MGPA of 2.0 or above, and at least 85 credit hours.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 And MGT355

Acquire practical work experience, develop interpersonal and professional skills, enhance verbal and written communication skills, develop clear career interests. Prerequisite: MGPA and CGPA >2, 65 credit hours, ENGL 214, MKT 250, department approval

A systematic discussion of the strategic factors to be considered in the marketing of trial and technical goods and services. In-depth examinations of industrial markets, complex nature of industrial buying behavior, methods of industrial market research. and developing industrial marketing strategy are provided. In addition, roles of product strategy, personal selling, promotion, distribution, and pricing strategies in industrial marketing are examined.

Introduction to the concepts and frameworks for understanding the behavior of consumers relating to evaluation, choice, purchase, consumption, and disposal of products. Topics include examination of consumer motivations in product choice, consumer perceptions, learning, attitudes, information processing, and decision making. Also included are the influence of culture, social class, family, and reference groups on the behavior of consumers.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250

Focuses on the application of marketing principles and strategies to international markets. Emphasizes the need for modification and/or adaptation of marketing thinking and practice in foreign markets to accommodate national/regional environmental differences. Topics include analysis of the international market environment, assessing global market opportunities, foreign market entry modes, and developing product, pricing, promotion, and distribution strategies for international markets.

Pre-Requisites: MKT301 Or MKT250

Focuses on the processes of planning, organizing, and implementing marketing efforts in service organizations. Topics include examination of differences between services and physical goods, frameworks for understanding and positioning service organizations in the marketplace, creating and delivering services, costing and pricing issues for services, and management of demand and customer mix of service organizations.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Introduction to principles and methods applied in the management of retail operations. Topics include analysis of retail structure, strategic planning for retail operations, financing retail operations, organizing and staffing a retail enterprise, location and site decisions, merchandise planning, store design and layout, buying and inventory management, pricing, developing customer support services, and franchising.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Adopts a problem solving orientation and an integrated view of marketing strategy implementation. Emphasis will be placed on topics relating to corporate and business strategy, segmentation, targeting and positioning, ethical and social issues in customer management, value chain strategy and the effective application of marketing mix elements (product/brand, pricing, distribution, promotion/sales strategies) to meet the needs of various customer segments. The effective implementation of marketing strategy will also be given a strong emphasis.

Pre-Requisites: MKT301 Or MKT250

Examines the role of advertising and sales promotion in the marketing program. Adopts a communication-theory perspective to management of advertising and sales promotion activities. Advertising-related topics include organization of advertising activities, setting advertising objectives, planning and developing advertising campaigns, message and media strategies, budgeting advertising expenses, and evaluation and control of the advertising efforts.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Provides an appreciation and understanding of the role of the salesperson focusing what is required to make an effective sales presentation. Topics include; the approach, qualifying prospects, questioning to determine needs, presentation and demonstration of product benefits, handling objections, and closing the sale. Also covered are the role and responsibilities of the sales manager related to planning, implementing, and controlling the firm's personal selling function. Topics here include; analysis and design of sales territories, recruitment, selection, training, motivation, and compensation of sales personnel, evaluation of sales performance, and ethical issues arising in sales and sales force management.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Examines use of the Internet in the marketing of goods and services. Topics include basic issues in web site development, online marketing research, and use of the internet for direct marketing, marketing communications, and product distribution. Real world projects will provide opportunities for application.

The internet and digital media play a very significant role in today’s business world. Focuses on the role of marketing in a digital world. Digital marketing has become an integral part of marketing strategies for creating value, acquiring, and retaining customers. The course addresses marketing research and consumer behavior online, segmentation, targeting and positioning, the digital marketing mix, owned media, earned media, and paid media. Effective use of different digital vehicles like websites, email, blogs, mobile, and different social media platforms (e.g. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn etc.) will be addressed.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Examination and analysis of the unique aspects of marketing goods and services to organizational buyers rather than final consumers. Topics include in-depth examination of business- to-business markets, complex nature of business-to-business buying behavior, developing business-to-business marketing strategy, roles of product strategy, managing innovations and new industrial products, managing services for business markets, supply chain. Other topics are personal selling, promotion, distribution, pricing strategies and the measurement of marketing performance.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301

Focuses on specific areas of marketing that reflect contemporary topics not covered by the listed courses.

Pre-Requisites: MKT250 Or MKT301